Howdy to the WWW,
So I was inEurope for 4 weeks back in May/Jun 08 for a couple of weddings and a generally fantabulous time. When I return to the great land of Oz Millsy and his cohort Pete (Nug) tell me that they have decided to play a new wargame. Ok I said hesitantly. Which one? Field of Glory was the reply and we are doing the armies in 15mm. My first thought is ELEPHANTS! I then thought hmmm perhaps reading a list or two and mayhap even the rules would be a good second step. So part of the second step complete (reading lists) I decided upon on army. I choose the Late Seleucid list for a couple of reasons
1 Elephants (of course!)
2 Scythed Chariots (historically poor units but way cool looking!)
3 Camelry - why have horses when you can have camels - I mean really?
4 I'd like to pretend there were more practical (or even tactical) reasons for my decision but sadly the above pretty much covers why I now have a huge phalanx to paint....
So I was in
1 Elephants (of course!)
2 Scythed Chariots (historically poor units but way cool looking!)
3 Camelry - why have horses when you can have camels - I mean really?
4 I'd like to pretend there were more practical (or even tactical) reasons for my decision but sadly the above pretty much covers why I now have a huge phalanx to paint....
Ok so here is the list I came up with after looking through the FOG forums and getting some advice from Millsy and Nug. This won't be always the list I play as I like to have variety – sometimes I’ll swap Elephants for Chariots or Thureophoroi for Galatian warriors but the basics will remain the same.
1 x C-in-C [Field Commander] - 50pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
1 x C-in-C [Field Commander] - 50pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
Core Troops
4 x Companions [Cavalry, Armoured, Elite, Drilled] - 80pts
6 x Cataphract [Cataphract, Heavily Armoured, Superior , Drilled] - 120pts
12 x Phalanx [Heavy Foot, Protected, Average, Drilled] – 72 pts
12 x Phalanx [Heavy Foot, Protected, Average, Drilled] – 72 pts
8 x Archers [Medium Foot, Unprotected, Poor, Undrilled] - 24pts
8 x Slingers [Light Foot, Unprotected, Poor, Undrilled] - 16pts
8 x Slingers [Light Foot, Unprotected, Poor, Undrilled] - 16pts
6 x Thureophoroi [Medium Foot, Protected, Average, Drilled] - 48pts
8 x Argyraspids [Heavy Foot, Armoured, Superior , Drilled] - 112pts
Optional Troops
2 x Elephants [Elephants, -, Average, Undrilled] - 50pts
4 x Arab Camelry [Camelry, Unprotected, Poor, Undrilled] - 40pts
Total 805 pts
Tomorrow I’ll go through how I choose my miniatures and give you some pics of the in progress stuff (and the pile of metal still to go.....)
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