Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Gaming Plan 2011

So 2010 is nearly done which means only one thing - another gaming year ahead!

I've been a busy lad in 2010, even with an overseas trip jammed into the latter half of the year. Until now I've not really quantified my painting totals for a year so it is hard to be sure this was the biggest. From now on I'll have a much better idea of total output. I doubt it will ever exceed "input" but that's all just part of the fun! ;-)

So what's on the cards for 2011?

First up is more 15mm Napoleonics using Shako II. We're off to CANCON in late January for a decent sized demo game. I'm hoping to take 12 battalions of foot, 4 regiments of horse and 3 batteries of artillery. The painting is nearly complete so that looks achieveable. I'm also about halfway through a house set of campaign rules which Nug and I plan to use for an 1807 campaign in Poland. Following that there will be a third infantry division to paint and some more horse.

Cory and I have started up a 28mm Nappy skirmish project using Song of Drum and Shakos. When I say "we did" I really mean "I did and he didn't argue" since I bought the rules and offered to paint all his figs. We really only need about 20 figs each max so that will probably turn into 50 or so but to quote the ancient Japanese term of definace - sosueme.

I'm also working on a second 28mm HOTT army, Elves this time using mostly older GW plastics bought off eBay. I've got the majority of the figs now and will start painting after January. I may start a third army, most likely Orcs as we need some nasties. Or maybe I should do some work on the Conquistadors seeing as they sit accusingly on the painting table as I type.

Having sold my Russian Flames of War armour to Cory I'll be painting a replacement. Given it is only 30 or so tanks and armoured cars that should be a doddle to knock off. I may try and cut through some of the unpainted DAK as well.

Adam from WA twisted my arm (ever so gently as it as alreay 99% out of the socket) so I'm getting into 28mm Wars of the Roses skirmish using Perry plastics and metals and a modified set of GW Lord of the Rings rules. I've wanted an excuse to play with these for ages so hurrah for Adam. I scored a condensed LotR mini-rulebook off eBay and there are 50 or so figs in the post for my birthday. Mwahahahaha...

Other stuff to be (possibly) started and/or finished includes the 28mm Sudanese project using TSATF and mostly Perry plus a few Copplestone figs. I'm waiting on Perry plastic Mahdists before really kicking that off. My 15mm FoG Burgundians also need a few reinforcements, mostly knights which I've already bought. And then there's the 15mm sci-fi project I've been thinking about...

Is it just me or does this kind of planning really fire other gamers up too? I'm off to pick up the paint brush!


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