Sunday, 7 August 2011

HOTT Undead Project

I've been painting a lot of detailed, complicated miniatures of late and I need a break. I was looking about for something simple on t'Internet and came across the perfect thing. Other people's blogs are a fabulous motivator for me and Tim the Super Blogger has inspired me to get my finger out and paint my HOTT Undead after seeing this post on his blog.

I'm going to try and "speed paint" (whatever that means to you vs. me) this army just to see how fast I can get them onto the table. I don't normally paint this way as I hate fiddling my way between figs already based in groups. Given these are undead and most work will be washes and dry brushing I figure I can get away with it in this case.

Here's the first 20 points of the army in their ready-to-go state. These are a combination of old Essex Miniatures (Necromancer / Wizard, Skeleton Blades General and Skeleton Blades) with a few GW tombstones...

Plus GW Skeletons (Spears), some with home-made shields including coffin lids...

And finally Zombies (Hordes) from a loooong defunct manufacturer (which I can't remember the name of) and yes, one of the bases is facing backwards but hey, they're Hordes ;-)...

That gives me 20 points so far. I've got a pile of GW Spiders from the Arachnarok Spider kit in the post already and these will be two bases of Beasts. I'm also bidding on some GW Skeleton Archers and a couple of GW Tomb King Skeleton Vulture thingies (Fliers) which will get me up to about 32 points.

So here I go. Let's see how fast I can knock these out...

PS. If anyone can remember the name of the company that made the zombies let me know. It's doing my head in not being able to remember!


1 comment:

  1. Looks cool! Can't wait to see how these turn out!
