Sunday, 20 November 2011

Bug Planet Terrain II

This is the second batch of terrain for my sci-fi planet setting. I'm calling these "egg pods" due to their shape but I'm not implying anything will "hatch" unless a scenario merits that I suppose.

The "eggs" are polystyrene shapes from a craft shop, backed up with more gum nuts, cat litter and flock/foliage. Size-wise these are on coasters, so roughly 10cm in diameter. All up they cost about $1.20 each including the MDF coaster bases. I plan to scatter these across the table accompanied by a couple of the smaller gum nut only versions, as if these larger patches have release spores, leading to new growths nearby.

Next up is a couple of sulphurous ponds (cheekily copied from Matakishi) and a large collection of rock formations made from old wine bottle corks. Yes, really... ;-)

Let me know what you think!


1 comment:

  1. Bring back life form. Priority One. All other priorities rescinded.
