So after my model building session I have completed the painting step. I used Vallejo and Games Workshop paints and did just basic block colours - no highlighting and no shading. The figures painted very well and it helped that they were mounted on individual bases. Not having really painted British before I didn't realise how much easier they are to paint than the French. The French always look great with the colour, plumes red piping but I seem to have a love hate relationship painting them. I love the finished look but struggle with all the details sometimes getting bored quickly. Worth it in the end though as a unit of French infantry always looks good to my mind.
I have become a convert to the Army Dipper method of painting and have been very satisified with the results so far. I did around 150 War of the Roses figures (Perry) with this method and was very happy and have also used it extensively on my 15mm Flames of War armies. This will be the first time I have used it for Napoleonics though and this will be interesting as there is a predominance of white which of course my other figures did not have.
I have only read recently in WSS 59 I think that there is some sort of debate whether the 'dip' method is sort of cheating and a easy way out. Having painted eyes in my youth, done the three layer method and spent eons lavishing effort on figures I have come to the conclusion that I can't be that bothered anymore! That and my eyes are not as good as they used to be. If I have a philosophy on painting these days it is very simple. I like bold colour, I try to paint as neatly as possible and I standardise the basing of my figures.
Being a gamer with vast hordes of figures I also want to get my armies on the table to use so the dip seemed a good option to me. Having used it now for at least 3-4 armies I am a strict convert.
Some things to remember though. Even with a new tin, I use the middle tone, make sure you give it a good stir to get the pigment well mixed it. Don't just shake the tin but give it a good stir. I had an experience with an Orc that I dropped into the tin, I have have done that 3 times now!, and even though I gave the tin a really good shake the figure was caked in brown mud.
Secondly I now paint on the dip with a old brush and before I do that I use turpentine to thin the mixture a little. The give the figures 24 hours to dry before hitting them with Dull Cote or other matt to suck the gloss out. I am not a fan of shiny figures.
As you will see from the pictures the painting is very basic and I have shown the flat faced British as well as a comparison to a Frenchmen for head size.
So the figures are quite dull and not that great so we will see next what the dip and some attention to the bases will reveal.
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