Sunday, 9 December 2012

He painted a tiger, but it turned out a dog...

Hopefully not, but as Japanese proverbs go it seems appropriate given that I've decided to take part in this year's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. I won't actually be painting a tiger but I will be painting plenty of other stuff hopefully.

Plans include outstanding Perry Miniatures fuzzy wuzzies for me (40 of 120 total), 28mm skirmish Napoleonics for Cory, lots of 28mm imagi-nations for Ev and myself and finally quite a few 15mm Napoleonic Saxons for me as well. Quite a pile when I type it all out...

I've no idea how much I'll get through, or how I'll fare against the other 46 participants. I'm up against some darn stiff competition and some top bloggers to boot but you never know till you try, right?



  1. Although that's probably a light afternoon's work for you... you won't even break a sweat!

  2. Now that sounds like a pretty exciting list, best of luck in the challenge old boy.

    1. Thanks Michael. I'm a massive fan of your work (you're some of the stiff competition I was referring to in fact) and I'm really looking forward to your submissions. Good luck with yours as well mate.
