Sunday, 28 April 2013

Dark Age barn part II

The glue on the frame for my barn dried enough that I could do a bit more work last night before bed. This afternoon I've been at it again and have finished all the additional woodwork, the wattle and daub, plus based it as well.

It occurred to me at this point I need to at least paint the interior before attaching the roof otherwise that process will be rather problematic (to say the least). Thankfully in this instance foresight was 20/20 for a change!

Here's how she looks now before painting starts...

Not sure how much more I'll get done tonight but we'll see.

Edit: I've just realised after I posted this that the blog has reached some milestones this month. This is the 175th post, making 15 for the month (which beats the previous high of 12). The stats are also on the rise and should pass 3,000 views for the month for the first time. Some time soon the total will pass 40,000. Followers have reached 74 as well. All this begs a couple of questions:

1. Short of giveaways and competitions, what else can I do to boost followers? I'm not saying those are in any way a bad thing, only that I've been trying to encourage followers based purely on interesting and relevant content, plus quality of posts in terms of photos, etc. Maybe I need to rethink that approach.

2. Is there anything else (or more of something already present) that people would like to see? Maybe I'm missing something blindingly obvious?!? How about poetry? Recipes? 100% legal tax dodges? Dog grooming tips? Guaranteed winning lottery numbers?

Leave a comment folks and let me know what you think. ;-)



  1. You need to show your avatar on your own blog, that would help, also the only real way is to comment on other blogs as much as you can. Then your avatar will get known and people will click your avatar to find out about your blog, leading to more followers and more hits. Try it and see??

    1. Interesting idea thanks Ray and one I certainly hadn't considered. I do follow and comment on a lot of blogs but the flip side is one worth giving a try.

  2. Coming along rather splendidly Sir.

  3. We may be able to diversify our content to attract new followers. I have some modest examples here;

    Fashion pages - "Prussian Blue - Is it the New Black?"

    Or lifestyle specials? "The Retreat From Moscow Weight Loss Plan"

    Although I like the sound of recipes; "Siege Special - 101 Ways With Rat!"

  4. I'm always impressed by the craftsmanship I find being done by fellow hobbyists/bloggers. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks Dean. Welcome aboard mate. Lovely blog you have there. Your Empire knights are something special!
