Saturday, 13 April 2013

Home cast resin stone walls part III

With the straight sections of my home sculpted and cast resin walls complete I've moved onto stage two - corners, broken sections and ends / gateposts.

When I started making the masters for this it occurred to me that the surviving master from the straight sections could easily be split in two, distressed a bit and used as the master for the broken sections. Nice! That just left me with the corners and ends / gateposts to make. I knocked those over early in the week and late last night poured the mold. Here it is just before pouring (I adjusted the size slightly in the end to make it a tad longer).

This morning it was well and truly set so I was able to remove the masters and cast three complete runs. The corners and broken sections will used as is. The ends / gateposts will get turned into a pair of gates with one spare set of posts. Here's the mold in use and the resulting casts which all came out a treat.

Next up for these little beauties is painting and basing. Stay tuned...


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