Monday, 1 April 2013

Something special - a signed Featherstone and more...

Late last week my ever expanding collection of classic wargames books broke through the magic 50 mark. I'm still a long way short of my current planned collection with at least another 55 on the wish list but I'm making steady progress.

I was particularly pleased with the one that broke the half century - a signed copy of Don Featherstone's Air War Games. I got it at a great price but it then disappeared in the post and three months later had not arrived. Cue despair!

When I contacted the seller it turned out it was sitting at the originating post office due to an out-of-date customs form. Cue relief! Well done to the book seller for chasing it down and sending it on. Not so well done the post office for failing to point out the error when it was first posted (along with two other unrelated orders also with out-of-date forms).

Given how upset I was at the thought a signed Featherstone was lost you can possibly imagine my anticipation knowing it was found and finally on the way. Even better, when it arrived it proved to be much, much more than I'd hoped for.

This particular copy previously belonged to a chap called Thomas Ralph Coveney III (great name!) who appears to have been a wargaming enthusiast, serious book collector and possibly also an aviator of some sort if the personalised book plate and inscription are anything to go by. Who do you know who has their own book plates PLUS a blind stamp?!?

Book plate and signature of the great man himself

Blind stamp on the right-hand page - much nicer in real life but hard to scan

I'm really happy with this book. It's a great piece of wargaming history from the point of view it is signed by the author, but also from the perspective that I know a little about where it has been and how much the previous owner must have loved his books. A real kindred spirit!

[Ahem] I think my inner librarian is showing...



  1. Oh I say, something to treasure indeed.

  2. That is an awesome purchase!

  3. Nice buy!

    Coveney appears on as the author of a set of medieval naval rules - - and a man-to-man game called Dragoon vs Hussar - (worth reading the reviews of this).


    1. Fascinating stuff! Thanks Edwin. Your gamer foo is strong!
