Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Dark Age terrain progress

Things have been a bit hectic outside of gaming so the village project has been in the slow lane. At least I've managed to do a bit each night to keep it ticking over. Here's a quick update on where things stand since the last workbench update...

The long hall needs another coat of white, plus the stonework, a bit of shading and the basing.

The huts need another coat of white too and some shading, plus basing. The wattle enclosures are all but done and just need some weeds, etc.

Nug, Ev and I have been discussing what else is required for the village. Mostly it is just clutter now, although a raised grain store seems to be very de rigueur, as is a lean-to or two for cattle. I've got a lovely white metal wagon which is already assembled and painted, plus the parts to make a cart as well. I'm also going to do some earth / stone ovens, a rough well, a midden (how the hell do you model one of those???) and maybe even some timber palisades. Any other suggestions?



  1. Lots of dead saxons - Bwah ha ha!

  2. Clay ovens, a smithy, beehives, potter's workshop - just a few more ideas to keep you busy for the foreseeable future (or at least the next day or so.

    1. Blimey. You're full of ideas now aren't you? You're no slouch in the terrain department so get your finger out matey!

    2. I'm busy painting my Scots, thank you very much - if I stop to make a broch or a dun or a crannog I'll never get them finished!

      Trust me to pick a warband which wears plaid. I'm going to have my work cut out...!

  3. Very nicely done Sir, would we have some form of look out post? I'm thinking 13th Warrior style possibly with a large bell!

    1. Thanks for the idea Michael! I've been thinking about that too. The Grand Manner one has been getting the glad eye but I'll just bash my own in the end I think. It would be a shame to do everything but one item scratched, kind of like letting the side down.

  4. Very nice, love the village and the period!

  5. Excellent work!!! Looking very cool!!

  6. Nice looking terrain.

