Sunday, 17 November 2013

It's ON again!

Huzzah! It's November and that can only mean one thing - Curt from Analogue Hobbies is back with his Annual Painting Challenge. If you want to get on board be quick as places are limited and go like hot cakes!

Last year was my first time round and very lucky I was to get in as the last entrant, thanks very much to Curt's generosity. I hope I was able to repay his kindness, putting in a solid effort to finish in the top 10 overall and submitting this as my entry fee...

Now last year I had no idea what I would be able to deliver being a complete noob. I went for 500 points as my painting par and was way off, eventually finishing with more than double that on 1168, made up of 393 miniatures at various scales over the three months. Surely this year I can better that? I'm thinking 1250 will be a good place to start.

So wish me luck and stay tuned to see what I can pump out. Hopefully the quality will be maintained along with the quantity!



  1. great stuff, looking forward to your output this year

  2. You realise, of course, that you carry the hopes of a nation upon your shoulders? No pressure now, but since we're not likely to make a good showing in the Ashes later this week...
    ; )

    I won't say "good luck", but rather, "break a brush"!

  3. Wow! That is a high bar, and also a fantastic vignette! Enjoy the Great Race!

    1. "That is a high bar"
      Not compared to some! Thanks mate.

  4. Bet Curt loved your entry!! Good luck in this years comp!

    1. "Bet Curt loved your entry!!"
      He did indeed. Thanks Ray.

  5. A tope 10 entry is mighty fine especially given the exalted company we are in, best of luck mate.

    1. Company such as yourself of course mate. Indeed you are largely responsible for my efforts in the vignette department.

  6. Looking forward to seeing there
