Saturday, 2 November 2013

Workbench update

Still preoccupied with Necromunda I've been painting some of the Hired Guns from the original game,
in this instance the Underhive Scum. These guys are now ready for varnishing and basing. In the background you can see a couple of Bounty Hunters, a random fig from another system and a 40K Imperial Guard fig I somehow acquired. They may as well get painted and used as extra Hired Guns if required.

Hired guns. Names anyone? The guy on the left is definitely a "Fabio"...

I've also been reading back through the rules and a pile of the old PDFs and supplemental stuff that was released in various magazines. Unfortunately all that enthusiasm has led to me looking over my existing paint jobs and decide they are simply not good enough. Consequently my Delaque have already been stripped and my Pit Slaves (below) are also going in the Simple Green soon.

Pit slaves. A hole mess of em...

And that's it for now, except to welcome aboard Conrad Kinch and Legatus Hedlius!



  1. The Hired Guns are (L to R) Fabio Abstorm, personal trainer and part-time assassin; Pound Sterling, Private Investigator and CPA; Jorge Bronski aka Cap'n Chuckles, Children's Entertainer and President-Emeritus of the Necromunda Branch of the Danny Trejo Fan Club; and Rocco "the Weasel" Jumblatt, last surviving member of a narcotic-smuggling Wiggles tribute band wiped out in the Mordian Gang Wars of '08.

    Hope this helps!

    1. ROFLMAO! Absolutely superb. You should write this stuff on commission. Obviously I'd get a huge discount or possibly even an agent's cut ;-)

    2. Well, paint the chappies in the back row and I'll name them too! (though given the rate at which you work, you've probably painted and inked 'em already and are now just about to varnish...)
      ; )

  2. I love your hired guns! Who knew bad guys could look so good?

    1. Thanks Monty. I don't normally enjoy painting individual characters but these were fun.

  3. I'm loving these and look at that hardware they're packing!

    1. Plenty of heat on these chaps. The flipping ammo belts are everywhere too!

  4. Fantastic painting as always. Your colors are so vibrant and lively. Just stunning. Best, Dean

    1. Thanks Dean. I figured these were a good chance to add a bit of random colour as they're meant to be pretty flamboyant types.
