Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Kemmler, Krell, a Shadow Druid and a Wight King

No, it's not an undead version of the Fab Four, it's the entire set of lords and heroes from my Oldhammer Army of the Cairns project. These have appeared on the Painting Challenge bonus rounds for 24 hours so I can show them off here too now. Why not pop over there and vote for what you like best? Hint, hint...

As this is the centre piece of the army I've knocked up a quick "Vignette a la Awdry" for the figures on foot. When they're out and about there are drop-in extra grave stones so it can be used as terrain as well.

Remember to click for larger versions of the pics.

First up we have Heinrich Kemmler the Lichemaster, Wight King Krell and a Shadow Druid. Kemmler and Krell are the second generation figs and the nicest of them I think. The Shadow Druid is a Dark Emissary with a head swap and green stuff hoodie as he appeared in WD.

Kemmler is staying true to the first rule of necromancy - accessorize, accessorize, accessorize! Over a stunning purple velvet robe he wears a bespoke orphan-skin kilt, all set off with blood red boots, hat and nail polish. Over that he's thrown a trusty little black cloak, which as we all know goes with *everything* sweeties. But how many can say theirs is lined with the skulls of kittens and bunny rabbits? Not many I think. The verdict? Faaaabulous! (that was just for you Ev).

Krell is as we'd expect him to be, decked out in enameled blood red armour and fist pumping to the beat of Kemmler's drum. He's toting his trusty Black Axe and sporting an over sized horned hat. Jamiroquai eat your heart out.

The Shadow Druid is wearing this year's latest fashion in rotting grey rags and vermin skin over-mantle, just right for a night out in the shadows. He's clutching his invite to Kemmler's next battle after-party and toting a funky witch-wood staff. All this is set off with a set of designer glow stones and a bespoke bronze sacrificial bowl. Stunning!

And finally we have the Wight King in his way wicked Chariot of Spikes 'n Skulls. She's fresh from the chop shop where she had some extra horsepower (um... two), 500-odd spikes and plenty of red paint applied. He's an original wight miniature on a chaos chariot (less the crew who are languishing in my bits box for future use).

I'm nearly done with the project if you can believe it. Less than three weeks from start to finish and over 100 miniatures plus monsters and a chariot. The remaining four units are in the works and nearly complete.



  1. I liked these, they got one of my votes!

  2. Top work there, Michael, especially your "Dead Eye for the Necromancer Guy"-style commentary - I'll call the Lifestyle Channel, I think you're onto something!

    And remember, too much spikiness is barely enough!

    1. Cheers Ev. I thought you'd enjoy that :-)

  3. Thanks Andrew. I never bothered with vignettes until I saw how cool Michael Awdry's were. Talk about inspirational. Now I can't help myself!

  4. Splendid, what a festival of colors!

  5. Fantastic work, Michael! The figures and base is just amazing and a wonder to behold. Best, Dean

  6. Just tremendous, you're putting the rest of us to shame.

  7. Yep, got a vote from me.
