Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Undead Army of the Cairns Part III - Complete!

Well, I did it. I painted the entire (large!) Oldhammer army in under a month. I even went beyond my original plan and added three extra units just because they were there and I wanted to do it in one go. I'm still kind of shaking my head about the whole thing because I hadn't planned it that way AND I also got a fair chunk of other stuff done too.

If you want to see the whole story you can view the other threads in the project in the right order here:
  1. Intro: Heinrich Kemmler's Undead Army of the Cairns
  2. Undead Army of the Cairns Part I
  3. Undead Army of the Cairns Part II
  4. Kemmler, Krell, a Shadow Druid and a Wight King
Here's the remaining units which I completed late last week. Some of you may have already read the descriptive text on Curt's blog. Don't forget to click on the images for the full sized versions.

We start with another unit of 20 Skeleton Warriors armed with spears. These are mostly plastics with a metal command from the Cursed Company Regiment of Renown. These will be one of my standard core regiments in the army list.

Rolling along we have a rare 20 figure unit of Glooms. In the WD article these were represented by Spirit Host miniatures but they are flipping expensive figs to buy so I've used a combination of Empire skirmishers and undead bits instead. With the weapons clipped out and their hands still clutched into fists it looks like some sort of ghostly pub brawl. Awesome! Not sure how much use they will get but hey, they're in the list so they get painted.

Following on we have 10 figure unit of Unquiet Horsemen. These are the older Black Knight miniatures commanded by a Wight King. The Wight Kings is possibly the single most badly cast GW model I've ever built and he required oodles of green stuff to line up the two halves of his steed. Things worked out OK in the end though. They're rubbish stats-wise in the list but I've got 10 and I needed something quick and mobile in the army.

Lastly we have a 20 figure unit of Barrow Guardians, a kind of elite infantry formation. These were built using Empire state troop torsos and skeleton weapon hands and heads. I've continued the red skull shield theme on these guys too. I will eventually replace these with decent metal figs of some description but they are fine for now and clear another pile of plastics off the paint pile.

All up this represents close to 3,000 points when you add in command upgrades, a few magic items and such. By my count it is 126 miniatures including monsters and the chariot. Here's the complete list:

Lords and Heroes
Heinrich Kemmler, the Lichemaster (550 pts)
Wight King Krell (190pts)
Shadow Druid (70pts)
Barrow King (100pts)

3 x Simulacra (195pts)
3 x Simulacra (195pts)
20 x Skeleton Warriors including command (217pts)
20 x Skeleton Warriors with spears including command (241pts)
1 x Ghost (60pts)
1 x Ghost (60pts)

8 x Embalmed Ones including command (106pts)
10 x Unquiet Horsemen including command (245pts)
20 x Barrow Guardians including command (290pts)
1 x Tomb Stalker (45pts)

1 x Winged Nightmare (175pts)
20 x Glooms (120pts)

For those of you who saw the original plan (or didn't I guess too), here's the updated version showing everything.

And to finish things off, here's the whole army out on parade.

Certainly one of my crazier projects but hey, it got the job done, I'm chuffed with the finished product and it has significantly shrunk the unpainted lead/plastic pile. What's not to like?



  1. I like the effect you got on the undead figures. Also those skeleton nags are way cool.

    Honestly I don't know how you guys can paint so fast and still paint so well. I've only done 12 figures so far and I feel like a puny gnome against a bunch of giants.

    1. It's just down to practice and developing techniques I think. Plus it helps that we can paint for hours and hours at a stretch. I like to think I'm focused. The less charitable say I'm too dumb to get bored :-)

  2. This was just sensational, what a points bomb! Really, really impressed Millsy and to see them all like that is just superb!

    1. Thanks mate. It may well be the first think I've entirely completed in one go!

  3. Beautiful paintjob on these undeads!

  4. FANTASTIC! You're on fire, Millsy! You should be very proud.

    I painted skellies for a Tomb King army years ago and can vouch for what a pain in the @ss it is just to assemble them, much less paint and base them. That did not slow you down one bit, it seems.

    1. Cheers Monty. I don't mind the assembly so much but I hate all the clipping out and cleaning up. It seems to take forever and they are quite fragile so you have to be careful and take your time.

  5. What an achievement! So does the sadly-depleted lead/plastic pile need more replenishment...?
    ; )

    1. Actually, thinking about it some more... NO!!!

    2. Well then, it looks like I'll just have to paint those old Foundry Arthurians myself...

  6. And I wear my nuttiness like a badge of honour.

  7. Great stuff Millsy, I really like the top skelly unit and conversion work to effect the ghosties is inspired. Nice one.

    1. Cheers Scott. I'm really starting to like the Glooms as well, especially the one who appears to have something caught in his throat. He has already been nicknamed "The Choker"

  8. Oodles of loveliness... Well done.

  9. Excellent paint job on those cool miniatures Michael!
    Greetings, Sofie

  10. Daaaaamn, that's a prodigious output! What list are you using for these, the old WD one or something newer?

    1. The WD series from issues 309-11. I talked about it in the first post linked above. :-)

    2. Ah, I went back and read the posts with minis but apparently missed the preamble post!
