Thursday, 13 March 2014

And A Few More Cross Words...

I finished the Stone Cross late last night, much to my own amazement. But what the hey, when the painting muse strikes, all you can do is go with the flow. Three hours from the last instalment to its present completed condition, which is a tidy pace by my standards. Honestly, if I could maintain this pace all the time, I'd be a much more productive painter, but I am a creature of fits and starts (and basically a lazy sod).

As I'd already done a bit of work duplicating lichen on the base of my Scots Warlord, I thought I'd see about trying something similar on this piece of terrain. So, here it is;

"The lads are taking a 'lichen' to the new terrain... I said, a 'lichen'..."
"Laugh? I nearly did."
And as you can see, I tufted the living daylights out of the base, drybrushed all the grass with a light brown to vary it a little, and voila! 

I used the pink flowers since they reminded me of the pink seathrift growing in the lichen-encrusted sandstone ruins of the monastery on Birsay, the site of the martyrdom of St Magnus of Orkney. Apparently, the flowers miraculously appeared at the spot where he was slain (although they grow like weeds all over the Northern Isles, so I'd take that with a pinch of salt).

Some people take the damndest holiday snaps...

That's all for now, but I still have the last point of hearthguard to finish off, so stay tuned!



  1. Really impressive, great work!!

    1. Thanks Phil, I appreciate the kind thoughts!

  2. Looks awesome.
    You should be well pleased with it.

    1. Thanks Brendon, I'm very happy with how it turned out; it's such a nice sculpt though, I felt it deserved the effort!

  3. You've done a great job with that, it looks brilliant.
    *adds Ainsty Castings to Salute list*


    1. Thanks Tom, it is a nice sculpt, isn't it? I ended up buying two of them!

      I liked it so much I just got caught up in the whole set-dressing thing, but honestly, it was hard to know where to stop. I think I managed to restrain myself though.

      I decided to concentrate the lichen around what I rather arbitrarily decided would be the northern face of the stone, with a few outliers on other faces, while the flowers were placed in the east and south quadrants. I'm quite chuffed with it!

  4. Thanks Andrew, I've really enjoyed painting and basing this piece.

    And congrats on your position on the Challenge ladder, BTW - I don't like words like 'unassailable', since that may be tempting fate, but you're looking pretty damned good! Well done!

  5. Very nice, I like the moss/mold effects.

    1. Thanks Scott, I'm happy with how it turned out!

  6. Absolutely bloody brilliant. Nuff said.

    1. Thanks Michael! Now get back to your workbench, I'm sure you've got one last task to complete for the Challenge!
      ; )

  7. The lichen really makes this terrain piece come to life! Excellent work there.
    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thank you Ross, I thought I'd try something a bit outside my comfort zone - glad it's been so well-received!
