Monday, 31 March 2014

Organising my Royalist ECW Army in 28mm

With a fair chunk of cavalry painted in Curt's recent 4th Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge I've been turning my mind to sorting out what's left to paint to complete the army.

It's not a historical order of battle by any means and this post is intended more for my own reference than anything else, but it may be of interest to others I suppose. Where I've got a related blog post I've linked it up in the interests of sharing some eye candy.

The King's Party & Staff
King Charles I, 6 x Gentlemen Pensioners
Sir Edmund Verney with Royal Standard
Prince Rupert of the Rhine
Major General, Colonel General, Surgeon General, Scout Master, 2 x Buffoons

Prince Rupert's Blewcoate Regiment of Foote
16 pike
2 x 12 shotte

Sir Allan Apsley's Regiment of Foote
16 pike
2 x 12 shotte

Earl of Northampton's Regiment of Foote
16 pike
2 x 12 shotte

Sir Gilbert Talbot MP's Regiment of Foote
16 pike
2 x 12 shotte

Loyale Goodfolk of Ye Three Leggged Duck Publick House
16 x Ill-armed recruits / clubmen

Prince Rupert's Lifeguard of Horse
6 x Gallopers

Prince Rupert's Regiment of Horse
10 x Gallopers

Earl of Northampton's Regiment of Horse
12 x Gallopers

Lord Byron's Regiment of Horse
12 x Gallopers

Sir Thomas Tyldesley's Regiment of Horse
10 x Gallopers

Sir Arthur Aston's Regiment of Dragoons
12 x Dragoons

Colonel Henry Washington's Regiment of Dragoons
12 x Dragoons

Trayne of Artillery
Master Gunner
1 x Culverin and Crew
1 x Saker and Crew
2 x Falconets and crew

With the exception of the dragoons everything is complete. I've also got a unit of Scots foot that I'm unsure of how to paint at present. There's a temptation of start buying more figures and turn them into Irish. Which would inevitably lead to a whole extra army. Or I could just paint them as a generic Scots foot for use by myself or others as required.

And that's it as it stands. In total something like 250 figures and some guns.



  1. That's rather a lot of figures left to paint! And trying to find the will to pick up the brush after the Challenge can be hard.

    I hope your Last Stand entry wins something in the voting!

  2. Well, the things you see when you don't have a New Model Army...
    ; )

    And I see you have Sir Edmund "Look, Ma, No Hands" Verney in the mix. I take it this is early ECW then?

    Coming along nicely, but let's not get too hubristic! You've just done the Challenge, after all.

    Are you basing with any particular ruleset in mind?

    1. They are based for use with a number of sets. They work OK for Warhammer ECW (our preferred set) but will work fine for BP, P&S and even VWQ. As I said it's not a historical OOB by any means but it does have an early war flavour to it I suppose.

    2. I clearly need to put together a Parliamentary regiment or two in the interests of balance!

  3. Must admit during my brief flirtation several years ago, with ECW, I went with Parliament... I played about with WECW rules to start which were OK, but since got Warlords Pike and Shotte, though have since never used them...

  4. I like the sound of the Loyale Goodfolk of Ye Three Leggged Duck Publick House!!!
