Saturday, 1 March 2014

Paint Table Saturday, or When The Going Gets Tuft

It's a rainy autumn morning here in Sydney, we've had breakfast, and the flat looks a little less like a bomb site, so I figure it's hobby time. And, as luck would have it, it's the ideal moment to make my first contribution to Sofie's Paint Table Saturday. The estimable Ms Vandersmissen has set up a Google+ community for painters and modellers to show off their latest WIP, and it's going gangbusters. If you haven't been over yet, take a look (especially if you're having difficulty motivating yourselves - it'll shame you into action).

So, to business; I recently took delivery of a consignment of Tajima1 Tufts in assorted colours, courtesy of a bulk order placed by my blogging colleague (or 'blolleague'), Mr Mills. Tajima1's postage deals for overseas orders are extremely generous, given that Australian hobbyists are regularly ravaged by international shipping charges (we're not exactly handy to the shops and close to transport). Orders of four or more boxes are shipped free anywhere in the world. So when Michael announced he was placing an order, I threw my hat into the ring, since I had a batch of SAGA Scots in need of a little more local colour in the form of the self-adhesive Heather Tufts.

I was not disappointed - no buyer's remorse here! The tufts are ludicrously easy to use, and are giving my braw laddies a real lift.

And another bonus in last week's post was this delightful piece from Ainsty Castings - a 28mm scale Celtic Cross in resin. This is the first piece of terrain I've bought to complement my SAGA Scots, but it would suit any British Isles game setting from Arthurian to VBCW and beyond. It's a nice sculpt, nicer than any other equivalent pieces I've seen on the market, and with minimal bubbling to the cast. I expect that it will paint up a treat.

So, I hope to post the newly-tufted Scots in all their glory before too long; stay tuned!



  1. Love your Scots and their new heather tufts! That will give them the home court advantage with the dice in your next match, I'm sure.

    I'm a Taijimal convert as well. I love that all you have to do is stick them down. Now I'm off to order a 28mm Celtic cross. Thanks for the tip!

    1. Thanks Monty, I can only hope - those Dane Axes gave my warlord a nasty headache last time...

      The cross and plinth come to 3.25 inches in height, so it's a pretty good piece for SAGA. And good for any number of different factions as well!

  2. The tufts look cool, I bought mine from Realistic Models, not sure what their postage is??

    1. Thanks Ray, I'm always on the lookout for new materials, so I'll give that link a try!

  3. Those heather tufts are a nice colour. Good for breaking up a sea of unremitting green. need to see if I can find something like that around here.

    1. Thanks Anne, I thought the Scots could use a bit of appropriate set decoration, and these tufts are just the ticket. No mucking about with glue either!

  4. Thank you very much for paticipating and for spreading the word! I added your link to my blog post.

    You have done a great paint job on those mini's and I'm very curious about the end result with the tufts. I think the colors of the tufts will match perfectly! Thanks again and have a great Paint Table Saturday!

    Greetings, Sofie

  5. Nice work Ev. Good to see the tufts in use.

    You've kept that resin cross under your hat. You should have said you were ordering one. Now you'll have to lug it up here every time we play! :-)

    1. Yes, I'm an old sly boots...
      : )
      One slight problem with the casting; one of the open cells in the cross is closed, requiring a bit of work with a pin vice and files, but it would be only a couple of minutes' work with a Dremel. I'd still recommend the sculpt, and I think it'll look the business when painted up.
