Saturday, 3 May 2014

2000pts of 40K Orks for a 40th Birthday Boy

This is a rather a special post. As one of two of our followers may know we have a tradition here at C&G to paint an entire army for a club member as a 40th birthday present. This time it was the turn of Michael "I've never actually painted a whole Ork" Russell and he chose greenskins as his painting present.

Yesterday was the delivery date and we duly presented the completed army to Russ as part of the celebrations. Here are some pics of the man himself and his new horde. Apologies for the image quality but the lighting and dark background made decent photos very hard to achieve. Painting by Millsy, Ev, Nug and Bob. Basing by Cory...

They're actually painted? Totes awesome!

When it was my turn last time and Russ went out of his way to do a couple of extra presents for me so I felt obliged to do the same for him. First some Warhammer Fantasy Skinks with blowpipes...

And secondly some period-agnostic 1/1200 islands and coastline for the various naval games we play. This was designed to fit entirely into a presentation / storage box in two layers. The various pieces are composed of MDF, foam, tile grout, cork bark, toothpicks, paint, flock and clump foliage....

An innocuous looking box

With a top layer of islands

And a bottom layer of islands and coastline

And finally here are the C&G lads all together (minus Ev unfortunately)...

Left to right: Cory, Marcus, Ian, Russ, Bob, Nug, Graeme, Millsy and James

So that's another 40th over and done with. Happy Birthday Russ! Next up is Nug in roughly 12 months time I believe. Time to get the brushes out again :-)

Edit - I neglected to mention that my contribution included some 70 odd infantry. I painted about 2/3 of them during Curt's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge but couldn't reveal the fact as it would have wrecked the surprise!



  1. This is the very coolest thing. Great work guys!

    P.S. I have to ask, how do you get the black and white checks so neat?

    1. Cheers Monty! A fair proportion of the checks are just very carefully hand painted. I also did some up in photoshop and then glued them on where possible.

    2. It is damn lovely work! You just have to love Ork armies. What do you do for a fellow's 50th birthday? ;-)

    3. We agree that ONCE WAS ENOUGH and we go on a trip to Europe together instead :-)

  2. Just look at the smile on that face! That's some beautiful work and such a lovely thing for you all to do. It would make a bloke want to turn 40 every year.

  3. What a great present! Well done guys!

  4. Thats awesome, what a great group you have to do this for each other! Terrain looks cool too.

  5. It's such a pity I wasn't there to see the look on Russ' face! Alas, since I moved back into Sydney nearly five years ago, it's been hard to make the Friday night games...

    I'm happy to have made my own small contribution though, so Happy Birthday Russ!

  6. Wow! How cool is that. Happy birthday!
    I love the islands.

  7. That is one of the best things I've read all week. The wonderful tradition aside, the quality is superb - well done lads.

  8. Wow, that's nice! I got a Baneblade for my 40th so I'm not complaining... ;-)

  9. Thanks for all the comments folks. It's a lot of work to knock one of these out but the effort is always rewarded. There's something special about sitting down to a game with your mates and using a complete army which you've not lifted a brush for :-)

  10. Wow - a splendid collective gift! Truly befitting of the hobby and excellent work on all of the models. Well done!

  11. Fantastic! Makes me wish I was 39 again, and in your group.
