Thursday, 22 May 2014

Savage workbench update

More progress on da savage boyz this week. Got the whole unit complete including my unit filler base. Set things up for a better photo as well...

There is plenty of debate on whether unit fillers are a good thing or not. Some people see them as a cop out or a cheapskate solution where people bulk up unit sizes in any thrifty way they can. Others see them as a way to add some character and distinctiveness to your army.

I'm kind of in the middle myself. Something small (4 bases worth in 24 here) and not just a rock or a tree (a totem pole for savages this time) is a good thing I like to think. Replacing half a unit with pebbles, grass tufts or crud from your bits box seems the opposite. Having said that it's each to their own and who's to say what's right or not? Just my 2c.

Regardless, here's a close up of mine showing the base of the totem and it's shaman accompaniment. Best not to consider HOW you move a totem pole about during a battle eh? :-)

Before I go, welcome to elcid1099 whose Project Auldern 1645 blog is an absolute cracker for wonderful painting and background.



  1. Love 'em Millsy! They're as bright and beautiful as their totem. I just realized the warpaint not only looks great, but it gives them a chance for a save? Brilliant!

    1. Thanks Monty. Yep, 6+ "ward save" for the warpaint. Whoop! Can I say that? :-)

  2. Great looking unit. Excellent work on the Totem pole. I like unit fillers. It works really well in Kings of War as individual figures are never removed during a game from units formations.

    1. Cheers Kiwi. I keep meaning to look into the KoW rules. I've heard good things.

  3. I think you've struck the balance right and the totem adds character - pity the poor bugger whos got carry it though! ;-)

  4. Looks sharp squire. One rarely sees such pretty Orks.

    1. Thanks mate. Hope Mrs K is still on the mend!

  5. I think I would come down on the character and distinctiveness side of the fence on this one - splendid work Sir.

  6. Looks great! I think you easily struck the balance perfectly and doesn't at all look like a filler, but an very nice enhancement. As to pebbles, rocks and trees as fillers it depends on the army and how it is presented like wood elves for example, but I suppose one can usually tell if someone is making up numbers or being creative.


    1. Thanks Christopher. Seems most people around here (i.e. our corner of the blogosphere) come down on the "unit fillers are cool provided they're themed and not in too great numbers" side of the debate.

  7. Unit looks fabulous - that totem really is eye-catching!

  8. Cheers Andrew. I was wondering what had happened to your stuff. I really enjoyed your couple of posts on your savages.
