Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Workbench and Gaming Space update

This weekend sees a massive game of Napoleonics in 15mm being hosted at Chez Mills.

We'll have 3-4 players and over 1,000 miniatures per side so it promises to be quite an event. There will be a battle report with lots of pics when we've played but before that there's work to be done.

Consequently my workbench is a hive of activity as I batter away getting a load of new units ready.
This includes a bunch more staff, an entire Saxon infantry division with supporting artillery and cavalry plus some odds and sods...

From chaos comes... more chaos! And eventually order (or that's the plan)

With some significant changes in my wife's work from home business we've taken the opportunity to reorganise my gaming space as well. I'll still be painting and modelling in the back room but gaming itself will now happen in luxurious space and natural light in the family room. Both my display cabinets are now in one place and there is more than enough clear space for two folding 6x4 tables or a single monster table as needs be.

Armies, armies and more armies, some terrain items
and my classic books collection amongst other things.

Space, the final frontier...

I'm quite excited to have everything in one place now cabinet-wise. It means I won't have to constantly ferry stuff about with all the attendant frustration and risk. The majority of boxed armies will remain in the back room but they're light, easy to move and suitably stored to make that not an issue.

Oh yes, and we're now even closer to the coffee/tea facilities and the beer fridge. Winner!



  1. Pretty cool home improvement. The cabinets look really well placed there.


    1. Thanks Stefan. I have to give Mrs Millsy credit for the idea!

  2. OK. so you get to have your cabinets and do your gaming in the family room. How much did that cost you, or have you not been told yet? ;)

    Nice storage btw

    1. Oh already I know Tamsin, trust me I do. It cost me a brand new sewing machine which is valued the same as a small brand new car. Yes really. You'd think at that price it'd make tea as well but apparently not.

  3. The hobby space at the centre of everything, as indeed it should be.

    Nice rearrangement of the storage too!

    1. Currently in negotiations to try and snaffle some matching wall mounted display cases. That'd top it off nicely.

  4. I can't tell you how envious I am right now! Looks like a wonderful space.

    1. It's getting there mate. Still, it'll be a much more enjoyable place to play and we won't have to climb over one another any more.

  5. All that for a pimped out sewing machine? I think you did well on the trade, my good man!

  6. Beer fridge!? Wheres my plane ticket? ;-)

  7. Tidy is good! Nice view outside to the garden too. Best, Dean
