Saturday, 5 July 2014

100K and a giveaway

Right then, so sometime over the last 24 hours we coasted through the 100K page views mark on the blog.
As you'd expect the increasing number of followers (now 175) and the increasing number of posts (282, with Evan more than doing his share) is helping that along significantly. That aside, we are immensely grateful for all our wonderful blogging mates who pop by and leave comments and participate in our madness.

Having hit the milestone it's time for the bit of the old giveaway madness that we all love so much.
We're going to stick with the tried ans tested rules for getting yourself into the prize draw.

The rules
Do each of the following for one entry in the draw and up to three if you do the lot.
  1. Leave a comment on this post telling us which prizes you would like in order of preference.
  2. Provide a link back to this post from your own wonderful blog.
  3. Become a new follower of the blog.
The draw
The compo closes at midnight AEST Saturday 12 July (one week from now). We'll use a suitably random method for working our the lucky winners and post the results on Sunday morning.

Prizes will be allocated based on people's preferences. Once you have won something you'll be out of the running for any remaining prizes i.e. one prize per person only. The first winner gets to choose from the lot, the second winner the two remaining prizes, etc.

Here's the loot...

Prize ONE
The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates,
Rome's Deadliest Enemy

By Adrienne Mayor
New papaerback

Prize TWO
War At Sea In The Ironclad Age
By Richard Hill
New hardback

1/72 US WWII Plastic Miniatures
1 x box of Valiant Miniatures American GIs 1942/44
New in box

Prize FOUR
1/72 US WWII Plastic Miniatures
2 x boxes of Armourfast Sherman M4A3 75mm
New in box
Armourfast link

So thanks once again for getting involved and get cracking with your entries! Let the craziness begin...

Millsy and Evan


  1. Hi Millsy. Congratulations on the 100,000 mark. I'll stake my claim for one, two, four then three. I'm a bit of a Mithradates fan.
    Here's to the next 100,000!

    1. Thanks Natholeon, and on behalf of Millsy and myself, welcome aboard!

      Good Luck!

  2. Huzzah! Congrats Millsy et al.

    Could you put me down in numerical order, please? 1, 2, 3, 4. Cheers!

  3. Very many congratulations on such a wonderful milestone, but I'm sure there will be plenty more to come! Number 2 for me please.

  4. Congratulations Michael. Number 1 then 2 for me if you would be so kind.

  5. Congrats on the 100K. Please put me in for one then two. :)

  6. Congrats Millsy, put me down for 1 then 2, thank you!

  7. Congratulation to the 100K.

    I let the others get a Bigger chanse to Win ;)

    Best regards Michael

  8. Congrats on your wonderful collective blog! Best, Dean

  9. We'll done on reaching 100k!

    Ooh go on then... Number 2 for me..

  10. Congratulations, Millsy and Evan!

    Please enter me into your contest. My preferences are in order:

    1. War At Sea In The Ironclad Age
    2. The Poison King: The Life and Legend of Mithradates,
    Rome's Deadliest Enemy

  11. Congrats, I'd like to enter for 4, 2, 1 please.

  12. Congrats fellows and here's to many more milestones eclipsed!

    To the contestants, The Poison King is one of the most readable books on ancient history you'll ever find. You'll surely want to paint Pontics after reading it. ;-)

  13. Many congrats!
    Great prizes but no need to put me in.

  14. Always good stuff to read here Millsy, well done on a milestone reached! I've been seriously streamlining my 'genres' and the above are not my thing at the mo, happy for them to go to someone who really wants them! Cheers

  15. I hope I've made it in time. Congratulations on the milestone of 100K views. My order of preference is 4,3,2 then 1. Off to link the event now.

  16. Well done! 2,3,4,1 if you please
