Wednesday, 8 October 2014

6mm Sci-Fi Terrain

I've been scratching about looking for projects or even just odd jobs to try and win back a bit of modelling mojo.

I'm slowly getting there and when I couldn't sleep this morning the following items of terrain for 6mm sci-fi / Epic Armageddon got completed at long last. They are made entirely from wombled items from my terrain bits box, including lids, tyres, gears, pipes, plastic nuts and even a toy chest.

Power generators / reactors / things that might explode

Command bunkers / ammo stores / things that might also explode

Not too shabby for something that cost next to nothing, took very little effort and which I enjoyed putting together and painting. In terms of the generators there is little to identify the scale so the can easily be used anywhere up to 28mm too.

In other news I've also been working on some fantasy miniatures I picked up last weekend at MOAB in Sydney including some Reaper Bones. I've got mixed feelings regards those but an explanation can wait til I post the finished items.

Lastly, I've just realised this is the 77th post this year which equals last year's total. It looks like we might break the 100 post mark this year for the first time and as we're currently sitting on 197 followers I'd say we'll break the 200 mark there as well. To everyone who pops by or follows a big thanks.



  1. Those are excellent. Great use of the 'bits box' to make some useful terrain.

  2. Very nice, love the contrast between the base and the minis...great work!

    1. Cheers Phil. The bases were originally a lighter colour but I repainted them to get that contrast you've pointed out. Good to know I was right :-)

  3. Now that's impressive Millsy, great scratch building and paint job - awesome job.

    1. Thanks Michael. I enjoy a good scratch build. It challenges you to look at things differently.

  4. Excellent work there, very inventive use of bits and bobs, especially the bobs.
    ; )
