Monday, 15 December 2014

Painting Challenge V Week One

Well, my first week chained to the challenge painting table is behind me and I'm pleased to report very solid progress indeed. In fact, I'm currently sitting top-o-the-heap with 430 points to my name and well on my way to reaching my 2,000 point target.

This past week I've completed a total of three entries as follows:

28mm English Civil War Dismounted Dragoons x 24

28mm Warhammer Fantasy Lizardmen Skinks x 20

15mm Flames of War Naval Infantry x 102

My first bonus round entry has been submitted and I've already got another entry 90% complete to be posted on my rostered day this Thursday coming. Stay tuned for more...



  1. Great job, love the dismonted dragons!

  2. Seriously impressive, you're a machine man! Just seen your entry for cold and wow!

  3. Must be hard painting like a demon while looking over your shoulder for the competition...!
    ; )

  4. That was some impressive work on your side! Not only on the quality, but the speed with which you get these buggers done!

  5. 430 points in ONE week? IMPRESSIVE! The dragoons are very nice and I especially like the blue and buff combo. I have always had an affinity towards Soviet naval infantry. Great work!

  6. You certainly have been dominating the boards with some fantastic work and epic points. Your Cold entry was gorgeous. So elegant, tasteful and well painted.

  7. Thanks guys! I was reasonably happy with my Cold bonus round entry but maybe it was better than I thought?

  8. Wow - impressive brushwork on all of these - super wide range of interests too!

  9. Not sure if it's the brightness settings on my monitor or not, but the blue in that ECW paintjob POPS! I don't think I've ever seen such vivid and eye-catching ECW figures!

    1. Thanks Bill. I deliberately paint a bit brighter than they really should be so they look good on the table

  10. Good start. Not sure which units are more colourful, the Skinks (who I really really like) or the ECW dismounts - both super bright and like Bill above me said, the ECW figures really do pop. I can see your frustration not getting to use much colour with the Sov Naval infantry. Good luck keeping your lead.

  11. Those colourful ECW Dragoons are wonderful! Congratulations on a very impressive work :D

  12. Incredible output mate - I don't know how you get so much done in a week... do you sleep at all? ;-)
