Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Gall-Gaedhil, or Mrs Death's Boys

Holidays are great. Not only do you get to spend quality time with your other half, catch up with the kids and with new members of the family, but you finally get time to finish those projects which have been niggling at you with their incomplete status and then blog 'em.

I was able to use the last couple of days to dispose of one such project, namely the Sons of Death, or Gall-Gaedhil, SAGA's Norse Gael swords for hire. Those of you who've read my previous posts will be aware of my painting speed, so the fact that I started these eight figures six weeks ago and am only just getting around to finishing them now will surprise nobody.

So here they are, all painted, and based with the seashore theme I tried out back in November.

I decided that while most of the Gall-Gaedhil are bare-legged like their Scots cousins, I'd make their clothing a bit more Norse-influenced and go for plain colours with decorative borders. Besides, six points of SAGA Scots is enough tartan to last me a while yet!

Firstly, one of the chaps Monty of the excellent Twin Cities Gamer blog described as 'chrome domes' when discussing his own (IMHO brilliant) completed Sons of Death; in homage to this reference therefore, here is Crom MacDòmhnall (thank you, ladies and germs, I'm here all week).

CROM MacDOMhnall... oh, forget it...

We'll just keep going with the pics and avoid any more godawful puns. Well, for a bit at least. All shield transfer designs by Little Big Men Studios - as usual - love their work! 


Another great thing about holidays is that you get a chance to visit your mates, get a game in, and get a bloody good dinner into the bargain; for that was Monday's program at Chez Millsy. We played an excellent game of WHFB, which will no doubt be the subject of an AAR should either of us get the chance to write one up, but here's a taste;

Undead to the left, Savage Orcs to the right. Evil on Evil action, basically.
Turns out that Mr Mills is quite the chef too; in the evening, my Good Lady Wife and I were treated to a brilliant chicken, chorizo and potato bake, accompanied by a delicious (and extremely potent) home-made sangria. Result! 

Thanks again to Michael and family for their hospitality!

That's all for now, but go over and check out the Analogue Painting Challenge as the competition heats up; will Millsy regain his position at the top of the table?

Stay tuned...



  1. Puns aside, great work Sir - particularly as I sport a similar hairstyle to that first chap! I'm surprised Millsy has time to cook what with all his painting; I have visions of him stirring the sauce with one hand, whilst applying the final highlight to his latest points bomb with the other! :D

    1. Thank you, Mr Awdry! The dinner was superb, the game was closely fought, and the next points bomb was laid out ready to be painted.

      I have no idea how he manages this level of activity, though I have often suspected arcane powers may play their part.

  2. Excellent work! I can see the family resemblance among them :-) The basing is very nice too, unique and effective.

    1. Thanks Paul! I thought the seashore basing would be interesting, and I'm quite pleased with it.

  3. Nice looking figures here and well photographed. You did have a superb holiday this year.

    I imagine Millsy will get back to the top again. Unless Dave's new product works and "erases" him :0)

    1. Thanks Anne!

      Yes, it has been a good holiday, and I hope to make more progress on SAGA stuff before I return to work - though I'm spoilt for choice with three potential warbands in the lead pile!

      As for the Challenge, Millsy and Dave are both dedicated and highly competitive painters - their titanic struggle isn't over yet - and I'm really enjoying your submissions as well! The standard of entries this year is extremely high across the board.

  4. Brilliant set, Evan! The decorative borders really set them apart. I just hope they don't go looting your desktop now, as is their nature.

    Freed dinner, drinks and a game? It does not get any better than that.

    1. Thank you Monty, I'll have to try and get a couple more warbands done this year. But with Anglo-Saxons, Pagan Rus and one more six-pointer in the lead pile, I'm finding that I'm getting options paralysis!

      And yes, Millsy's hospitality was indeed appreciated - he and his family are wonderful hosts!

  5. Wow Ev, you really nailed the skin tones on these. How did you get them so smooth?

    I may well have done a deal for my soul but if I have it wouldn't be for painting ability. :-)

    1. Thanks Michael, I used some extremely fine brushes and thinned the paints more than usual to try and reduce the 'layered' effect on the faces. I'm still learning, even in middle age!

      And Happy Birthday for yesterday, by the way!

  6. Fantastic minis- and this shields- magic!
