Saturday, 14 February 2015

"Base 'Em Up Y'All, It's a SABOTage!"

All other hobby activity was sidelined last night with the arrival of an order from those splendid chaps at Warbases.

My esteemed blolleague Millsy placed a bulk order on behalf of the rest of the C&G chaps, and was kind enough to deliver my portion of the not inconsiderable haul yesterday afternoon.

Given the fact that my recent hobby activity has been almost entirely SAGA-related, I opted for an assorted bag of sabot bases for my warbands, in Hearthguard (4 slot), Warrior (8 slot), and Levy (12 slot) sizes. They're laser-cut MDF and give off a rich charcoaly smell that had my Good Lady Wife wondering who in our building was having a barbecue.

Gotta say, on first glance, they seem to be just what the discerning skirmish gamer needs to maintain unit coherency and speed up movement. The standard of workmanship is very good, with no rough edges or burrs.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. And what's the deal with the hex bases?
That's classified. On a need-to-know basis, you don't.

Of course, I had to try them for size this arvo and see how well they fitted, and who better to act as my guinea pigs than those Hebridean chuckleheads, the Sons of Death. Lovely family, lots of fun!

Yep, job's a good 'un.
But it does look a little bit minimalist, doesn't it? So it's back in yer box, lads, and we'll make a start on seeing if we can't make your sabot base match the seashore theme we threw together the last time. I plan to carry this technique across all my warbands, and give them themed sabot bases which match the figs.

First, let's put down a few rocks.

Oh, I'm shattered already. How do landscapers do this day in, day out?

Then a bit of sand;

Some nasty bunkers around the 18th there...
And then seal it with the ever-reliable PVA glue/water mix...

"He's just reusing the same picture! It's a scam!"

...and then we play the waiting game while it dries. And as I now have to dash out and play the social butterfly (my dears, it's SO hard being popular!), I'll come back to this tomorrow and we'll see how much more I can get done before the next blog post.

Stay tuned...



  1. Warbases do make some excellent stuff, the bases do look rather good!

    1. Yes they do Ray, I'm actually feeling quite inspired - got a bit more work in this morning, and will post results when I get a bit further along.

  2. I have to try this one day, seems really nice...

    1. So far, so good - though your own battles are always a bit bigger than skirmishes!
      ; )

  3. Very nice movement trays, Evan. I have similar ones from Litko here in the US. They make movement so much faster/easier.

    1. Warbases do some excellent work - no buyer's remorse here!

      Plus I'm a terrible ditherer, so anything that can shave a few seconds from my movement phases can only be a good thing.

  4. Come on, it's 7:00am and the glue MUST be dry by now surely?

    1. Patience! It's 10:35am now and I've just finished the next phase of the project - now THAT has to dry!

      When I have a few more WIP pics to share, I'll post again, rest assured.

  5. Looking forward to seeing the finished bases.

    1. Just the one first up, this is what you might call a test run. But yes, it's coming along nicely!

  6. Warbases really makes some nice stuff! Those sabot bases really are handy. And the best thing is that they make custom ones for nearly no extra costs.

    1. I'm pretty happy with them so far - I may well get another big box of stuff from Warbases before too long!
