Thursday, 9 April 2015

Still here! No, really!

Hi All,

Apologies for the resounding silence of late! I've been busy with a couple commission projects that have been chewing up all my time and which have not been "bloggable" until now.

First up is a painting commission for a mate's 40th birthday which is nearly done. You'll see the results of that in due course. Thankfully this is the last of the "surprise" 40th projects! I really can't complain too much as the whole crazed idea was mine to begin with...

The other project is the rapidly approaching first print edition of Simon Miller's wonderful To the Strongest! wargame rules, which I've been doing all the design and layout work for. Now Simon has chosen to reveal the cover I can do so too!

And here's a couple of sample internal pages...

You can read the full story about the print edition on Simon's blog, along with updates on the publishing schedule etc. as they become available.

On a side note, the work I've done for Simon is also a bit of a "dip the toe in the water" experiment for a sideline of my own I am starting up - offering commission design and layout services to the gaming community. More on that very soon too, but if you are interested in getting your creations turned into something more professionally put together then feel free to chase me down using the Contact Us form on the right hand side of the page.



  1. Looks like you've done a great job on them.

  2. Excellent. Looks like a great set of rules. Nice job on the layout as well.

  3. Great work Millsy! That's definately a service that is needed. It's bit of a shame how many selfpublished rules etc. are really not formatted at all. A reasonably priced service from someone who is familiar with the gaming community could really help.

    1. Nice one Samuli! You get exactly what I was thinking myself. There's loads of designers out there and they do great work. There are loads of gamers out there who produce great content. BUT I'm not aware of any designers who understand games, gamers and their needs. I'm offering both in one package.

    2. I keep going on to Postie about publishing his Napoleonic rules, he doesn't think they're good enough for some silly reason. I'll mention this post to never know???

    3. Cheers Ray, that would be much appreciated mate!

  4. Great work Michael and with the quality of Simons rules I think you may well find yourself quite busy indeed!!

  5. And here I am, old enough to remember when putting together a publication meant, quite literally, cutting and pasting! Lovely work there, Millsy!

    1. LOL. I grew up as the son of a printer so I'm more than familiar with all that stuff. Thank goodness we have all the amazing toys we do nowadays though...

  6. That looks really quite fantastic

  7. Great work on Simon's book!

  8. I can testify that Millsy did sterling work on these. His patience as we hurtled into a late, unexpected orgy of proofing and corrections was highly commendable! It was a great achievement as we live on opposite sides of the world.

    1. Thanks Simon. That's one of the things I'm focusing on. Nothing is perfect first time round and you have to give people time to be happy with their very own opus magnum. :-)

  9. Thanks for all the positive comments folks. Much appreciated!

  10. A pleasure to hear from you again, Millsy.
    It's absolutely obvious that blogging had to stay back behind your other project. And the outcome seems to justify it absolutely. Excellent work on the rulebook!

  11. Grand looking job Millsy , I have ordered my hard copy.

    I will have a little job for ta.. On My Blazing Dice cowboy set..
