Saturday, 23 May 2015

Paint Table Saturday

Hello All!

Time for another instalment of Paint Table Saturday. I'm well and truly back in the painting groove at the moment, working on both my own material and the beginnings of a large 40K Space Marine commission for a mate.

First up is a batch of tactical marines for a Dark Angels force I've been commissioned to paint. These are the snap-fit models from the Dark Vengenace box set and to be fair they are pretty good models for the price. The detail is a little soft of the shoulder pads but a little careful knife work and layered painting and it comes up OK.

15 down... 15 to go...

The other half of the post this week goes to the VBCW's own Sid and Nancy comedy act, Eddie VIII and Wallis Simpson. These were giveaway figures at Partizan a few years ago and I'd wanted them since I first saw them. I asked a chap on the old GWP forums if he knew where I could buy a set and he very kindly sent me a set and refused any monetary recompense whatsoever, even for postage. I really can't say enough about the generosity of our little part of the interwebs at times...  I liked the tie so much on the link above I nicked the colour scheme for mine.

Psychedelic Fur Stole.... Isn't she pretty in pink?

That's it for now. I'll be back in a day or so with some better images of the BUF and a few other bits and bobs.



  1. The Dark Angels are excellent. Will you be working on the Chaos cultists from the boxed set as well?

    As for Eddie and Wallis, they're probably my least favourite Royals; "Oh, you haven't met the Goerings? Lovely couple, tremendous fun. We went shooting with them last year!"

  2. Nothing like a commission job to get you back at it. It seems quite a few of us have been away from the brushes of late.

    Ya, that pink is electric!

  3. What can I say about His Majesty King Edward VIII and Her Royal Consul Wallis other than wow, I think she steals the show a bit with her electric pink suit but Eddie nice and it is good that he is in the same colours as your BUF

  4. Good to see that you are keeping busy and what a fabulous couple they make!

  5. Nice work Millsy :)

    I suspect that the tie colours are meant to be those of the Household Division by the way, although the blue is a bit light.

  6. Very nice Millsy! Love Eddie and Wallis. Didn't know you were into vBCW...

  7. Great looking figures, Michael. Really like those Dark Angels. The Eddie and Wallis figs are great too - the crown is very cool.
