Sunday, 5 July 2015

A little Empire building...

I've kind of lost my project mojo of late. I'm still fiddling about with the tail end of several large projects but there's not much real drive to be had. I often get this way when things are nearing the end and the answer is usually to start something new. I don't mind things overlapping, in fact I quite like it.

That being the case I've properly kicked off my next big fantasy project - a 6th/7th edition Warhammer Empire army, most like heading down the Artillery Train of Nuln path as I love a good cannon or six. Or ten...

Whenever I start something like this I invariably have a random selection of miniatures already hidden about the place and this is no different. This year I scored a pile of Perry metal state troops at CANCON and last week added some knights from fleaBay. A few donations here and there plus the overlap / extras from my long ongoing Dogs of War project I've already got a pretty decent start. Really what I need at the moment are more halberdiers and handgunners plus some swordsmen although a few more knights wouldn't hurt either.

Handgunners, halberdiers, outriders and knights.

Today was spent stripping, repairing and sorting a pile or three of lead. That'll continue for a good few weeks yet as other things find their way here (i,e. the greatswords in the post). There's also some conversion work to be done to add variety and flavour. When my hands aren't busy there's a load of reading, pondering, "math" (or my version of it), more reading and pondering, Googling, ogling, spending and probably yet other things to keep my brain occupied.

The project mojo is back and it's all good....

PS. Age of Sigmar? Meh.



  1. Meh indeed!

    As an ex-empire player, I look forward to this taking shape.

  2. Very cool scores - those early metal Perrys. Someday I'd like to get some old metal Great Swords. Looking forward to seeing these materialize for Nuln :)

    1. "old metal Great Swords"?
      In the post :-)

  3. And so it begins! Think you can grab a War Wagon? The crew looks like they're all there! Alternatively, you could lay hands on a Steam Tank and sit them inside it...

    1. A war wagon and a stank are both on the agenda at some point mate.

  4. Great to see a new project emerge! Save some for next year's Painting Challenge

    1. There's always plenty of unpainted stuff about mate. Don't stress about it :-)

  5. Once you've got one unit up and painted it will all take on life of its own - project mojo restored! Those are great models with lots of character. Definitely better than the hideous baroque banality that are the Sigmarines!

  6. "Sigmarines". Some I'm not alone in thinking someone pulled the jet packs off space marines and reboxed them then? :-)

  7. I have to confess that tinkering around and amassing the lead ready for the project is a weakness of mine too, just what is needed to get you back into full swing.

    1. I think we all suffer a little from it mate. I tend to embrace it a little more than others I think :-)

  8. Good news about your mojo, Millsy. Enjoy it!

  9. I'll have a look in the loft later on, I might have a few bits. A colorful army!

    1. I can only imagine what your loft is like mate. I wait with baited breath! :-)

  10. Ah, you've kicked off with the Empire - wonderful! I'll try to get you some pics of my stuff to see if you're interested. Enjoy those halberdiers - they are great figures.

  11. Ah, you've kicked off with the Empire - wonderful! I'll try to get you some pics of my stuff to see if you're interested. Enjoy those halberdiers - they are great figures.
