Monday, 3 August 2015

Hobby Activity? 'sabot Time!

Well, thanks to the many and varied demands of modern life, things have been a bit quiet on the hobby front here in Chez Ev.

Having crafted a scenic unit base for those SAGA hired swords the Sons of Death some months back, I thought I should gird my loins and at least try and bring the rest of my SAGA figs (those braw laddies, the Scots) up to scratch with a similar set of bases. And besides, it was about time I did something hobby-related, because an idle hobby area is a terrible thing to see. Real life, you can only push me so far!

So, for 3 units of Hearthguard, 2 units of Warriors, and one unit of Levy with bows, I grabbed some more sabot bases from the box, and went to work. here's the morning's output just prior to the final inking.

Some Tajima heather, wild grass and moorland tufts to give them a bit of a lift, and voila! Suitably Caledonian scenic sabot bases for the defenders of Alba.

I was lucky enough to get some more work in on this project later in the afternoon, so here they are in all their glory.

Of course, this means that they are technically complete, and that I am duty bound to proceed with the next incomplete project. And I'm spoiled for choice in that department! What will it be...?

And a quick note to all fans of Wargame Bloggers Quarterly (of which I have the honour to be Editor-in-Chief at the present time), Volume 2, Issue 1 will be out very soon, with a rich and varied smorgasbord of hobby content for all our readers!

Stay tuned!



  1. Ah, those mobs look just ace in their new sabots Evan! Well done.

    1. Thanks Curt, they're from Warbases and have proven very handy. No buyer's remorse here!

  2. It looks like you've made good use of the time you do have Evan. Far better than I myself have done this Summer.

    Good luck with the issue and I'll grab mine when it's out.

    1. Thanks Anne! It's summer up there, so you're allowed to kick back a bit. And thanks for supporting WBQ!

  3. Great looking warband, Evan. I was just perusing a copy of Crescent and the Cross. I am deciding on either that or Lion Rampant for a Norman vs Saxon game.

    1. Thanks Dean, though I fear I've been resting on my laurels of late - you can only get so much mileage out of one warband! Time to get busy on the next big thing...

  4. The heather's lovely at this time of year. Cracking stuff mate!

    1. Though painting the bees in 1/56 scale very nearly killed me...;-)

  5. Nice work Evan, so what is next on the paint table then?

    1. There's so much to choose from! I will have to look at getting the rank and file started for the Glorantha project, while Millsy's ever-increasing WHFB armies more or less require me to finish my Ogres... but then there's the other SAGA warbands to worry about. I've got a bad case of options paralysis right now!

  6. Perfect! They look spot on Evan.

    1. Thank you, Michael, it was a task long overdue!

  7. Nicely done. I reckon I'll have to invest in some of those should I ever get round to starting my SAGA / Lion Rampant Dark Ages kit.

    1. Thanks, Roy, they should speed up the movement of my units somewhat! I heartily recommend SAGA for any historical skirmish enthusiast, it's fast moving and well-balanced - you should give it a go.

  8. Looking very good Evan - fine basing and figures!

    1. Thank you, Sidney - as I've said, not before time!

  9. An intimidating warband you got here! :D All superbly painted - and the flag is magnificent. Cheers!

  10. Excellent trays. Wonderful work, Evan.

    1. Thanks guys, I'd better get some speed up again because I have a new acquisition to occupy my easily-distracted mind... more on this down the track!

  11. These lads are superb, Evan! Your basing is icing on the cake. I so wish I could see them in person and throw dice with you. My friend runs Scots and they're tough as an old boot!

    1. Thanks Monty, but be warned - my dice-rolling is truly the stuff of legend, but for all the wrong reasons.

      This is so often the case that the expression "He's rolling like an Ev" is now synonymous with poor results!
