Sunday, 13 December 2015

Finishing Off the Catachans - Ogryn Bonehead and Sentinels

I'm so close to finishing my 2,500 point Warhammer 40K Catachans army I can almost smell the final coat of varnish!  The models below leave me with just two Imperial Sentry Guns plus crew and I'm done. Given I started painting the army almost exactly a year ago that's pretty pleasing all round.
2 x tracked AFVs, 3 x walker AFVs and 114 infantry models. Not bad for a large 12 month project in amongst all the others.

First up in this batch is an Ogryn Bonehead - theoretically the smartest and most likely to make corporal. It's not much of an achievement to be honest but in abhuman terms he's Mensa material.

The other half of this batch is a squadron of Catachan Sentinels. The OIC is a true Catachan pattern with Heavy Flamer and the other two are armed with Lascannons for some extra punch. Nice kits and quite fun to paint. The only real sticking point is the old style Catachan upgrade kits don't fit the new style cockpits so I was forced to improvise the vegetation on the roll cages on two of the three.

As of now til the 20th I'll mostly be prepping for this year's 6th Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge so don't expect to see much from me for the next week or so...



  1. My plan also - though not nearly as ambitious a target to prep for!

  2. I really enjoyed this project!...betcha can't guess what I got coming up shortly! The primer is aged on em nicely now. ;)

    1. Good to hear. You can't be too careful with primer. It's like a fine wine, it gets better with age :-)

  3. Congrats on (nearly) finishing the project! Are you planning to leave the last minis to the challenge then? Great paint jobs on them anyways! Especially the Sentinels really do look the part

    1. Thanks mate. Not sure if I'll leave the last few or not. It'd be kind of good to put it to bed 00% beforehand. Depends on how interested I get in prepping other stuff.

  4. Great stuff. I'm a big fan of Ogryns and Sentinels anyway. And you painted them really well. Cheers, Karl

  5. Always good to finish something. That Ogyrn is rather tasty isn't he?

  6. Nice stuff! In the middle of prep mania as well. cheers

  7. A wonderful project which calls up a feeling of nostalgia in me.

  8. Very cool additions, Michael. Love the deep green
