Sunday, 6 December 2015

No, no, no! You're doing it all wrong!!!

As the 6th Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge approaches a smarter man than me would be prepping miniatures to paint during the challenge itself. Haha! Not me though, I'm painting like a nutter trying to get projects finished before the challenge starts.

The sharper ones amongst our readership will have spotted the flaw in my plan. Most likely I am steering myself directly into a large tree with "painting fatigue" carved at forehead height. What the hell though, it gets stuff done and seeing as I need these new toys for our big holiday bash I've not got many options.

My dubious project management methodologies aside, here's what's on the workbench at the moment... the almost very last, possibly even penultimate miniatures for my 40K Catachan army.

Three Catachan sentinels, two with Lascannons and one with Heavy Flamer

Ogryn bonehead

The only thing I've got left I think is a pair of old skool Imperial Sentry Guns plus a couple of crew. Having said that I'm sure fleaBay's siren song will call me once again. :-)



  1. Watch out for that large tree Millsy!

    1. Don't worry - Ray has wrapped the tree with protective sandbags ;)

    2. The man has 3 tons of basing material ready to go!

  2. I seem to have adopted a similar strategy with mountains of MDF currently sitting on the table. I went and had a look at all the bits and pieces that I prepped over the summer holiday and thought nope, don't like any of those anymore so now thinking about the challenge rounds with more enthusiasm.

  3. Your not alone with this! I seem to have a lot of stuff not even half finished to shift.

  4. Clearing your desk is definitely a good idea before the challenge. Regarding the prep before the challenge, I've given up on that completely. I don't know what I want to paint next week, let alone in two or three months :) Much easier to do the prep when I get an inspiration to paint something.

  5. If you hit a painting wall, er, tree, a time travelling cybernaut will appear at your desk and say "Follow me if you want to paint" in an Austrian accent. Take his hand. As a bonus, Evan will explain Skynet to you in the most minute detail thus driving you back to your painting table.

    I do love your Fantasy painting and good luck in the contest!

    1. Don't be so sure, Monty, I can bluff my way through most things, but technology is a closed book to me!

  6. And here I am having only just placed my Warbases order... this can't end well!

  7. Last minute on Paint challenge eve. Not unusual but it's a marathon not a sprint. best of luck. cheers
