Friday, 1 January 2016

Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016

With 2015 just about done with it's time for another annual round up of:

  1. What I planned to do
  2. What I actually did
  3. What I didn't do

And just occasionally where 1 coincides with 2. So what fantastical promises did I make last year?


Finish the WFB Savage Orcs
Nearly done now. Two units of cavalry soon to make an appearance in the AHPC, then it's just a giant troll, a shaman on wyvern and they're complete.

Finish the 40K Space Marines
Similar situation. All the infantry and armour is finished and I've got just three land speeders plus a devastator squad and I'm done there too.

Finish the Epic Squats
Hmmm... Only about 50% complete, mainly due to difficulties procuring remaining bits and bobs.
That's all sorted now and they'll be moving forward really soon.

Paint all my remaining VBCW miniatures (Soap Works Militia and Chester BUF)
Done inside the next 24 hours. I've got vehicle I'm sitting on for the Nostalgia round of the AHPC (shhhh!) but otherwise they're finished.

Plow on through the Warmaster Empire, hopefully to completion
Fail. Haven't touched them since last year's AHPC other than to add to the wee beggars. [ahem]

Finish touching up the Cadians I bought in 2014 and add some vehicles and maybe some elite support
I back-burnered this project in favour of the Catachans which needed a load more work. I have two bases to go on those and a really big project is complete, including all the armour I added this year.

Continue the WFB Dogs of War
A little progress but this is a real long term project so it'll go on and on, possibly forever :-)

Finish ALL the remaining Flames of War
All the Germans for Ostfront was completed but the DAK hasn't been touched. Hopefully I'll add that to the AHPC queue this year.

Get some more terrain made and in use
Enough progress to be satisfied but I need to keep working at it.

Finish the ECW Royalists
Nailed it!

Finish my extra Dystopian Wars Britannian ships
Another one on the AHPC painting queue. Haven't played for ages and no impetus to paint apart from a desire to finish another project.

And.... most likely several mad "side projects" as Curt likes to call my lack of focus
That'd be an entire SAGA Norman warband, a commission for design work on Simon's To the Strongest! rules, a large Dark Angels commission, four more issues of WBQ, a large BUF force for VBCW, two more 40th birthday bonanzas plus all the other odds and sods. I guess you could call that a "slight distraction"...


2016 will hopefully be another pretty productive year. I've got a number of major projects nearing completion and plan to slam a few doors closed over the next 2 months. So.... zee plan?

  • Finish the WFB Savage Orcs
  • Finish the 40K Space Marines
  • Finish the Epic Squats
  • Finish ALL the remaining Flames of War
  • Finish my extra Dystopian Wars Britannian ships

Um, yeah, you're right that's last year's plan. OK, I've referred to the List of Shame (yes that is a real thing and its longer than my arm) so what's going to be added?

  • Orc Skirmish Warband
  • Frostgrave Warband
  • 40K Imperial Guard (Cadians)
  • Finish off the Necromunda collection (Delaque, Ratskins, Pit Slaves, Chaos Cultists, etc.)
  • 28mm French and Austrian Napoleonic skirmish
  • 15mm French Napoleonics
  • Runequest army for To the Strongest
  • Continue the Imagination project

and... BUY LESS STUFF!!! :-)

The last item is about as likely as a very unlikely thing happening on Unlikely Sunday but I can try right?

So that's about it for 2015. A very Happy New Year to all our friends and followers from me, Evan and the rest of the crew here at C&G. Stay safe people and pop by every now and again to see what's up.



  1. Remember no plan survives 1st contact with the enemy. Happy new year

  2. Happy New Years Millsy. You Achieved a lot in 2015, i love that ECW army.

  3. Happy New Year Millsy!
    An ambitious plan but a highly credible one given your amazing productivity in 2015.
    Looking forward to meeting you soon for a game and a beer (not necessarily in that order!)

    1. > a game and a beer
      How about at the same time? Al fresco gaming and cold beer, the pursuit of civilised men... :-)

    2. I had *myself* at beer too.

  4. Happy New Year, love your 'glorious plans'...

  5. I really like unlikely Sunday... It's so you...and me! Have a great 2016 Millsy

  6. Happy New Year Millsy! You produced some good stuff in 2015.

  7. It was a pleasure visiting and seeing yours and Ev's wonderful works in 2015. Happy 2016 to you and the gang!

  8. Michael, your output has, as ever, astounded and amazed us all; there is no 'List of Shame', only 'Upcoming Projects'!

    My own output on the other hand... well, let's just say that the less said about that the better!

  9. HNY Millsy! :)

    So, your plan for 2016 is the same as that for 2015, plus a lot of extra stuff? Yup, I'm sure you'll manage to complete all of it with room to spare! ;)

  10. "Buy less stuff"??? Millsy, that's just whacko heretical thinking....

    1. LOL! Yeah, Greg, you're right mate. It must be the paint fumes or something.

  11. You did EPIC work last year Millsy. I'd like to take a bit of credit for that but it was all you. Wonderful stuff. Best of luck with this year's targets, and whether you meet them or not I wish you all the best for the New Year.
