Sunday, 26 June 2016

Ex libris grognard

Two more much sought after tomes for the classic wargames book collection arrived today, courtesy of Mrs Millsy and a wedding anniversary.

Having been married for far too many twenty-three years now we rarely attempt to surprise one another with gifts because there's a serious change of coming a cropper with something already owned by your significant other. This in turn leads to conversations like this...

Mrs Millsy: What would you like for your anniversary gift this year? DON'T say more little men!
Mr Millsy: Ummm.... How about books ABOUT little men?
Mrs Millsy: [sigh] OK, whatever. You order them then.
Mr Millsy: Awright! [Clickety-clickety-clack]

And the rest is (miniature) history. The upshot is I'm now the proud owner of a pair of "new" books...

A true classic and one for any serious grognard's collection

One of a series on discovering all manner of things, not just gaming.
Happy days!



  1. Never seen that book before would love to get hold of a copy. Well done, happy anniversary.

  2. The cover on that ECW book is rather atmospheric isn't it?

  3. Anniversary presents mean we just buy something big between us - that was our 3D printer this year. Otherwise I buy my own presents then tell people what they've got me :)

  4. Nice additions to the collection Michael!

  5. Great scores Millsy! Ain't no school like the old school.

  6. Nice score of books Millsy! Happy anniversary to you both, especially Mrs Millsy for putting up with you for so long! :)

  7. A couple of nice additions to your wargaming library. The Turnstill booklet, despite is small size and length, is quite a useful overview of gaming the ECW.

    With your vast Old School library, how about posting a listing of the books yet to be collected lingering unfulfilled on your Wish List? Someone may be able to help in filling that gap.

  8. Fine choices there Millsy

  9. Nice additions to your collection, Michael.

  10. The secret to a very long and happy marriage - very many congratulations to you both.

  11. Sounds like the same question and answers I have on my birthday. Cool books!

  12. Congratulations on firstly another birthday and secondly a couple of great acquisitions. The Alexander volume is a favourite of mine particularly. Well done.

  13. Oooh, two lovely titles there Mr. Mills. Also, a hearty congratulations on your anniversary - huzzah!

  14. That's a terrific anniversary gift - quite the old school library you're building up there. Sort of a Bodleian Library for wargamers!
