Sunday, 21 August 2016

Next up... Dystopian Wars Kingdom of Britannia

Right.... so time for the next big project "finishing" effort. As discussed last post this will be an all out assault on all the remaining Dystopian Wars Kingdom of Britannia naval miniatures. I've just bought a copy of the simplified Fleet Action rules and we're discussing a big name in about six weeks so I'm seriously motivated.

Most of this stuff I picked up at CANCON earlier this year for an absolute song. It hardly even qualifies as lead pile it's been here for such a short time! I've spent some time this weekend prepping and will finish that stage today hopefully so I can paint through the week. We're due a load of rain thankfully so I won't be able to do any prep so best be done before hand. I love painting while it rains so I'm quite looking forward to it!

Here's everything I've got to do...

That's not the easiest to see due to the black undercoat already applied to some stuff so here's a quick list:

1 x Fleet Carrier and tiny fliers
1 x Battleship
2 x Hood Battlecruisers
3 x Cruisers
9 x Destroyers
9 x Frigates
1 x Submarine Wolf Pack
2 x Scout Planes

That's quite a lot of stuff but it paints up relatively quickly and is a nice diversion from all the infantry painted of late.

I'm planning on continuing with the same colour scheme. For those who have not seen my previous stuff, here is what my existing force looks like...

Roll over and play dead.


  1. Those are fantastic! Looking forward to the new additions!

  2. That reminds me...I picked up a stack of Russians for a song too!
    That AHPC pile is looming large already :-)

    1. PS They look lovely!
      That copper/brass colour is great - what is it?

    2. Thanks for the compliment mate.

      It's the old Citadel Brazen Brass followed by a black ink and then a 50/50 Brazen Brass/Gold highlight. One of the things I really like about the Spartan Games resin is the fine but extremely clear detail so inks and dry brushing work very well indeed.

  3. Very nice fleet, what do you think of the game? Have been wondering if I should play it or not lately. Cheers

    1. We quite like them although they are a trifle over complicated at times which is why were are quite keen to try the new Fleet Action rules. We like our naval games either very small i.e. 1-2 cruisers and destroyers per side OR very large indeed i.e. fleet actions.

    2. Cool will probably grab the newer Fleet Action rules then, much appreciated!

  4. Looking forward to this. How are you getting that purple?

    1. It's actually just two coats of Citadel Regal Blue over a matt black undercoat. Depending on the light it looks anything from navy blue through to a purple.

  5. Your existing fleet looks brilliant and I'm looking forward to seeimg more such beauties.

  6. More goodness to come then.. Crack on Millsy... But it will never actually be "finished" will it!

  7. Now those are nice! Lovely clean lines on the castings.

    Of course, no fleets for me - way too much lead in the mountain already!

  8. Excellent. Nice to get a bargain like that. The faster rules are a big improvement. cheers

  9. Looks great! Can't wait to see the new additions painted up. And it's hardly a lead pile if a lot of the minis are resin? :) And if it hasn't been there for a few years it probably shouldn't count either...

    1. LOL! I'm not disputing it. In fact I said more or less the same thing myself :-)

  10. Lovely work Millsy. We've really enjoyed Dystopian Wars but haven't tried the Fleet Action set (though wasn't the original rules for fleet actions?).

  11. Lovely work Millsy. We've really enjoyed Dystopian Wars but haven't tried the Fleet Action set (though wasn't the original rules for fleet actions?).

    1. The new Fleet Action rules are the streamlined and sort of quick play rules. If I'm not mistaken they will be included in the newer starter sets.

  12. I've been resisting this range for some time as the ships and the Legion range troopers are really sharp looking.
    After the Merc haul, my wife is quite insistent that I have enough minions! ;)

  13. The shaped superstructure on the warships reminded me of the ironclad MERRIMACK,of old.Forgive me,i am quite ignorant of war gaming oddities of which there are so many including such things as rules of gaming tables. It is the art aspect of model making and painting that interests me most along with end results of large armies set to at it,upon a decent break down table top type of diorama.
    Colorful ships interest me too.
    As far as time taken to complete good stuff,one can never take to rushing ones favored art projects.
    Well done on all your work, and bright presentation too.
    Greetings from the green that is Fiddle Wood.Norwich UK BB
