Sunday, 25 September 2016

A Song of Frost and Gravy, Part the Fifth - Warband in Progress!

Well, who'd have thought it? I've actually managed a semblance of momentum on the Frostgrave project!

Here is the warband so far; our two Enchanters, an Infantryman and a Ranger.

"Enchanters Assemble!!!' 
"Shut up, Ilmar."
And here are the new recruits, still in the preliminary stages. First up, an Archer and a Crossbowman to add to the mix; this will add some more much-needed ranged support.

"Riiight, now stay calm, finish painting us, and nobody gets hurt..."
Then we have four Thugs - stout fellows all, expendable and cheap. That's maxed out the numbers to the ten members allowed. Spot the conversion!

"Wait up, didn't you used to work in Mordheim?"
"Nah mate, you must be thinkin' o' someone else."
If our Wizards play their cards right, they might be able to afford to swap out for a Mercenary Captain to whip their motley crew into shape, or some more muscle in the form of a Barbarian. In any event, they'll need all the help they can get to fight off competitors and the assorted monsters, both mundane and magical, which roam the ruins of Frostgrave.

And speaking of which, here's the current state of play with the bad guys;

Hmmm... I think we'll need a few more than this lot. Better get prepping...

No, no, no! Paint the warband then you can prep more monsters! Finish what's in front of you!

Ye gods, I'm sounding like my Mum...

That's all for now, stay tuned!



  1. Good progress, the war band is taking shape

  2. Your new friends are wonderful...but you may need other friends, monsters are impressive, especially this spider!

  3. A good looking band and the beasts too. The spider is great perched on his rock,

    1. Thanks Dannoc, there's been a bit more progress since then; check in again with me next week!

  4. Hehe know that feeling all too well!
    Top job mate - coming along nicely.

    1. Thanks JP - I can be a bit unfocused at times!

  5. Go on prep more monsters! You know you want to! Love these Ev, great job Sir.

    1. Thank you, Mr Awdry, but the undead must wait! Maybe I can kick it off for Zomtober...?

  6. Great work! Nice to see that flesh golem painted up as well :)

    1. Yeah, ol' Mr Scabby is a piece of work, isn't he?
      ; )
      But the warband must take precedence! No undead, animals, or monsters until the humans are finished!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks Tamsin, but it's Ev here - yes, I know, I've actually managed to get some traction on a project AND blog it on a more-or-less regular basis. But don't worry, I won't make a habit of it!

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks MichaƂ, it's been a while, but I'm glad to get back into the swing of things!

  9. Looking good, must stay focused. ...oh zombies! Good luck with this.
    Best Iain
