Monday, 19 December 2016

CANCON 2017 Aussie Wargame Bloggers Meet-up

After the success of last year's inaugural CANCON Aussie Wargame Bloggers Meet-up we'll be going around again this year. Kiwis (and even "Northern Folk") are welcome too cause we should always play nice and be neighbourly.... :-)

Here's what's on offer for Saturday 28th January 2017:
  • 1:00pm - Initial meet-up in the Board Games section in the Northern Hall at CANCON to say g'day, check out respective loot bags and plan for any shared afternoon shenanigans. 
  • 6:00pm(ish) - Pub dinner and extended tall story session.
After last year's demands for a SAGA campaign book resulted in it being delivered just a few months later surely we can achieve something even bigger in 2017. Thinking caps on people!

If you're an Aussie blogger feel free to pinch any and all of this post to spread the word.

Hope to see you there!



  1. have a great time guys a little far for me but will enjoy watching the post's that this meet up generates

  2. I'm definitely going to make it to one of these someday, but in the meantime have a wonderful time out guys!

  3. Awesome. Now make the two flights required from the Darwin a little cheaper. ha ha ha.
