Friday, 22 September 2017

Peking - British Legation Gatehouse

Just a quick post tonight (as much because I've just knocked myself half sense-less on a cupboard door as anything!).

I've finished the build on the gatehouse for the British Legation. This posed me some conundrums as I struggled to get the right balance of detail vs. effort and scale. Overall I think I'm happy that is is clearly representative of the original even though nowhere near a replica.

Special mention of the button with the crest sitting over the entry way. That's been rattling round in the bits box since the dawn of time, proof you should never throw *anything* away :-)

Here's the genuine article for those curious to know.

Now onto the walls and hospital building...



  1. The gatehouse shows good craftsmanship. Nice!

  2. You're continuing to knock em out of the park on this project Millsy. Lovely stone work effects, care to share your secrets?
    Cheers, Peter

    1. Hi Peter. There are no secrets to be honest. The inset stones are just carved channels with a sharp craft knife and then a bit of work with a needle file to smooth out. And I measure everything twice before I cut :-).

  3. Looks good Millsy and nifty use of an old button :)

  4. Looking very good! Certainly captures the feel of the original. I think it might benefit from being slightly taller though, possibly with a cork base under each side.

    1. Hi Lasgunpacker. It's probably a bit taller than it appears. I deliberately made it this size as it is the tallest it can be to fit into my storage boxes.

    2. An extremely important consideration!
