Monday, 14 January 2019

Ev's Challenge - The Story So Far

It's Day 24 of the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge IX (well, day 24 or thereabouts, depending where you are in relation to the International Date Line), and I thought it's about time for an update on my own output so far.

First up was a Viking take on Santa Claus, the Jarl of Yule.

A Wargames Foundry figure, he looks superbly unimpressed at the next selection, an Ice Troll from Reaper Miniatures. He's one of their Bones range, and repays the effort taken to pick out the details.

The next submission was for the Bonus Theme Round 'Reconnaissance'. I picked a couple of H.P. Lovecraft's Mi-Go, the alien fungi from Yuggoth (aka Pluto). They are spying on the humans in preparation for a mission of conquest, and one has purchased a telescope to help in the task. Unfortunately, he's completely failed to take into account his species' complete lack of eyes.

The latest submission is this little fellow;

A toy scorpion re-purposed as a tabletop gaming piece and given a shiny new coat of paint, Mr Stabby is just the thing to keep any party of desert adventurers on their toes!

That's all for now - stay tuned!



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Fran, I hope to ramp up the painting rate over the next couple of weeks now that I'm on holidays!

  2. Cracking start Ev, you certainly achieved more than me.

    1. Michael, your body of work is one to which we can only aspire; you've earned the right to take it easy once in a while. But thank you for the kind words!

  3. I really like the Mi-Go and scorpion!

    1. Thanks Barks, I'll try to give the Skull-O-Meter a bit more to work with soon!

  4. Very nice figures, Ev. The Santa viking is very cool.

    1. Thanks Dean, the look on his face just says, "You're getting a lump of coal"!

  5. Nice work squire. The Mi Go in particular are excellent.
