Wednesday, 20 October 2021

10 Months! Really?!?! Elves and more Elves

Good grief. 10 whole months without a post is pretty slack to say the least!

I could blame all sorts of things but the answer really is basically just laziness. I love painting and modelling, but no so much spending time on the PC posting stuff. That's got a lot to do with my day job being entirely spent in front of screens too.

Still, the point of the blog is to, well... blog stuff. So here you go, here's a chunk of new painted stuff - Oathmark plastic Elves, kitbashed to some extent with Gripping Beast Arab Cavalry (there are no Oathmark Elf Cavalry... yet) and WFB Elf shields.

Firstly, all the "Wood Elves", plus some scratch built way stones.

Frostgave female wizard masquerading as an Elven Wizardess

Mounted rangers

Dismounted rangers and command

And now the "High Elves"...

These two forces are part of a larger SAGA fantasy project I have going on. More of that sooner rather than later!



  1. And I thought I was being slack with 6 months without posting anything :-)
    Lovely looking figures

  2. Awesome work, Millsy! You've certainly been busy!

  3. Welcome back mate - you were missed

  4. Terrific figures and superbly painted and based. The Oathmark figs have a nice old-skool feel. quite different to the LotR movie concepts.

  5. These figures are a masterclass. I'm really impressed. The photos really bring out the beautiful paint job you've done. Well done Mike!

  6. Lovely work mate - you've been missed!

  7. I know Elves are good archers but they could at least glance where there targets are

  8. I really like how you painted these. The wood elf riders are cool. Love how you kitbashed them! Cheers, Karl

  9. Very nice and eye catching, I like the light and dark contrast, done to good effect

  10. They look solid. I've been enjoying seeing a resurgence in fantasy gaming across the hobby. I'm not down on GW or anything, but I'll admit, seeing things like Dragon Rampant and SAGA offer some alternatives has definitely broadened the field.
