Tuesday 21 January 2014

Space Marine Razorback

This little number is my entry for the vehicle round on the painting challenge. It's nothing special but it is complete and off my workbench :-). There are some amazing entries so head on over and check them out. Don't forget to cast a vote while you're there!

As my Space Marine force is a divergent chapter based on the Adeptus Mechanicus it was important to include some themed detailing to maintain cohesion across all the vehicles. Consequently she sports some metallic reinforced cog-themed armour and a nice big Mechanicus crest on one of the side doors.

The skull is an undead shield motif I had left over and the surrounding cogs cut from plasticard. I've made the top hatch / weapon mount removable so I can use her as either a Razorback or a straight Rhino.

I'm currently still working on more Space Marines and also a pile of ECW cavalry. Stay tuned...



  1. That's a rather nice looking green. Great job Millsy

  2. That looks great! I like the skull.

  3. Probably not. I note some people have enormous disclaimers on their website regards copyrights. Hopefully I won't ever need one myself. If I do I think I won't be buying, painting, playing, etc their stuff any more.

  4. Nice work, especially the Mechanicus insignia!
