Thursday, 20 June 2013

SAGA Scots Hearthguard Complete!

Well, it took a little longer than I would have liked (I plead a shortage of decent matt varnish and excessively rainy weather), but the 2 points of Scots Hearthguard for my SAGA warband are now complete.

The basing, shields and varnishing are all done, and (for better or worse) here's the result.

All that tartan can be a headache to paint, but I'd like to think that perseverance has paid off in this instance. The Plain Thane (lower pic, second from left) is now not so plain; I thought I'd keep the red cloak and give it a decorative border in black and gold to reflect his high status. Not quite Book of Kells standard Celtic knotwork, but what the hey, close enough for the wargames table! The only downside is that I'm now going to have to make the Warlord look really splendid so that he stands out like the proverbial.

The shield transfers are by Little Big Men Studios, and I have to say that not only is their graphic design first-rate, with a nice weather-beaten look, but they are ludicrously easy to work with. They do give a nice finishing touch to a figure, and I plan on using more of the transfers on my next warband.

Next up, I have to complete the 12 remaining warriors for the warband, and then figure out what to do about the warlord.

Stay tuned!




  1. Wow! Those shield designs are nice!

    1. They are pretty darn good, aren't they?

      However, credit where credit is due; they're the work of Stephen Hales of Little Big Men Studios. Definitely worth a look!

  2. Nice work! I love the Scots in Saga. They are a lot of fun to play, using finesse instead of sheer power.

    1. Thank you, Bill!

      I hope that they can acquit themselves honorably, although given the fact that dice hate me, I am not optimistic...

  3. For the better! They look great - particularly like the shield patterns. Dean

    1. Thanks for the feedback Dean, much appreciated!

  4. Absolutely top notch work old chap! Like you say, the LBMS transfers really add something but it's more of a polish than anything else. The paintwork was great to begin with.

    Now if only my remaining Anglo-Danes will arrive. I can't have you finishing 6pts before me!

    1. Ha! Small chance of that, you know how slowly I work!

      Although some hired swords might be a quick short cut to a 6pt warband - Sons of Death, perhaps...?

  5. Great Scott(s)! I love'em. While the tartan is a headache, it really makes your fellows shine.

    1. Thanks Monty, twelve warriors and a warlord to go, plus the estimable Millsy appears to have issued a challenge of sorts, so I'm not planning on downing tools just yet!

      But yes, GB's Scots are worth the effort; they are extremely characterful figures.

      Now I'll have to "do a Millsy" and come up with some suitable terrain to match...

  6. Top rate work. Saga is such a great game and even more fun with top class painted figs like these. Thanks for reminding me I need to get more LBM shield decals.

    1. Thank you, nice to know I'm on the right track!

      I've yet to play a game, but I'm determined to give it my best shot - let's hope they're resilient enough to hold their ground against Anglo-Danes or Vikings!

  7. Nice work! This is not a period I've dabbled in yet, looks a lot of fun.

  8. Thank you, Ken, much appreciated.

    Hope to have the rest of the warband completed soon!

  9. Those guys are looking so fierce! A great work with them...and some amazing shield patterns!

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Phil.

      This is getting to be a compulsion; I'm already thinking about my next warband, and I've not finished this one yet!

    2. It soon will be a great pleasure for us to see the result ...

  10. Ev, they look great. Working on some Vikings myself and was considering Scots as the next warband to do - where'd you get the figures from? Which brand are they? You've done a fantastic job with them!
