Sunday, 16 June 2013

Workbench update

Work continues at a slightly slower pace on my home grown Space Marine chapter. Still, any progress is progress! This time it's a 10 man Blood Angel tactical squad with missile launcher and flamer. These haven't been based yet as I'm waiting to finish a larger batch of troops before I bother.

The colour of the bases is a clear indication of these guys having been stripped of their previous paint job. From memory these were in an *awful* state, with paint so thick you could barely see the detail. It was so bad I'm thinking of opening a branch of the ISPCSM to help out their brothers. Anyone? Anyone?

Next up is another 10 scouts...

And that's it for the workbench at present. My enthusiasm seems to be rekindled which is great. Last night I even ordered an extra 3pts worth of Anglo-Danes for SAGA and a bunch of basing material from Tajima1. I'd best push on with the scouts and make sure they're done before the mailman arrives.

Lastly, welcome to Ken, Ben B. and Andrew J. McCory who have joined us recently.



  1. Looking good so far. Best, Dean

  2. Now that is a cracking shade of red, great jib Sir.

    1. Thanks Michael. I'm pretty pleased with the red. It has a bit more definition under natural light as well.

  3. Good to see that you're feeling revitalised - lovely work!

    1. Yea, it's good to be back in the saddle. Now I just have to focus on staying focused ;-)
