Friday, 27 June 2014

Confessions of a closet librarian

A few of you may know I'm actually a qualified librarian, despite never having worked in a library or even having catalogued a single book. We won't go into the whys and wherefores of how this happened here. Suffice it to say, that part of my personality is normally kept locked in a small dark room and allowed out only when the visitors have left for the day.

Now when you combine a frustrated librarian with a historian and a wargamer you create something quite monstrous - a book loving collector of specialist works from the last millennium who will stop at nothing to add to his collection.

That collection is by nature of circumstance composed of works which had a short print run and which were inevitably and invariably consigned to the public library system, there to be thumbed, folded, drawn on and in every way possible (deep breath) abused (oh the humanity!?!) when looked at from the perspective of yours truly.

So when a near pristine copy of THIS --> arrived on my desk this afternoon after what can only be described as the week from hell I promptly omitted a most unmanly squeal of delight and had to sit down for a moment before opening the package.

That's my weekend reading sorted then... How about yours?



  1. Damn, that's a nice find! Especially in the condition you've got it in. I could imagine far worse ways to spend your weekend than reading that :)

  2. Painting - got to finish the last point of Scots Thanes for SAGA!

    Then (and only then) I might kick back with a good book...

  3. Replies
    1. Half an octave short of the entire of One Direction immediately following an atomic wedgie. It was pretty darned unmanly...

  4. I am no qualified librarian but like most of us, i do collection history and wargame related books. Some say my collection is quite large...

    As for me, I received a hardcopy of Head and Heath's Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars in this week's post!

    1. Oooh nice! See? Another unmanly sound. Stop tempting me :-)

  5. Priceless, I'm still sniggering at, "omitted a most unmanly squeal of delight." :)

    1. You're not the only one sniggering. So are a number of my co-workers. Cursed open plan offices!

  6. Cool sounding read, Michael. I have to admit that my dream job used to be working at a library. Now I dream of when I don't have to work at all. Best, Dean

    1. "Now I dream of when I don't have to work at all."

      You and I both!

    2. That goes for the vast majority of the working masses I'd say :-)
