Saturday, 28 June 2014

Paint Table Saturday - The Last Of The Free!

I scored a rostered day off yesterday, so I decided to put the time to good use and finish the last point of my Scots SAGA Warband.

The last time I posted an update on this project, my (ahem) leisurely approach to the notion of painting a project to completion was the subject of much light-hearted banter from my fellow bloggers.

Well folks, here's the last point of Hearthguard as they stood yesterday afternoon...

...and here they are as of the wee small hours of this morning, varnished, tufted and given a wonderful banner from LBMS' SAGA range (LBMS also did the shields you see here as well).

"Right, Jimmy, that's one bum note too many..."

I'm quite pleased with how these laddies turned out, and couldn't resist the temptation to get all the Sons of Alba lined up for a group shot.

"There can only be... (hushed muttering) forty-one!"
Six points of tartany goodness right there. First project I've seen through to completion in a long time (and coincidentally, that's exactly what it took, a REALLY long time). A big thank you to all those who provided their insulting moral support, it certainly had the desired effect (eventually)!

So I think a certain amount of celebration is in order;

Purely for medicinal purposes, you understand...

What the hell, it's Hogmanay somewhere in the world... SlĂ inte mhath!



  1. Your perserverance has paid off handsomely! Great looking gaggle of roughies. Now, go pour yourself a drink!

    1. Thank you, Jonathan, perseverance is one thing, but the sheer bloody-mindedness it must have taken to paint up those 15mm Samurai of yours is another thing entirely - those are something special!

  2. Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedoooooooooooooom!!!

    1. least until I see the next shiny warband!

      Who knows what it might be? (Or how long it will take me to get started...?)

  3. I wouldn't worry, I've had some of my figures for more than 20 years and they are not yet painted... My own SAGA warband needs one last point of levy before it is 'completed'. But are projects ever really completed? Couldn't you add one or two more units to give a bit of variety or help with certain scenarios...? ;-)

    1. At present, I have a Warlord, three points of hearthguard, two of warriors, and one of levy, which I think is quite enough for now; all that tartan is sending me boss-eyed!

      If I need additional help, that's where the mercenary 'special guest star' units come into their own - Flemish infantry or Sons of Death come with their own special rules and can add a bit of variety to the mix.

      But no more tartan for now, please...!

    2. Ooh, good one. I always forget about the mercenaries. And while the tartan is a PITA to pain, it does make your warband shine.

  4. Wonderful! Lovely work Ev and a richly deserved tincture at the end.

    1. Thank you Sir, it was indeed enjoyed on this cold winter's night!

  5. Bravo, Hugh! This is a warband to be proud of. There is much character in these fine lads and I do suspect a few were tipping before the Group Shot.

    I've faced the Scots 3 times in the last month and have learned to dread Barrier of Spears. A friend of mine has his Scots in 4 units of 12 warriors. It's truly hell to face!

    1. Thank you Monty! Now I'll have to look at the possibility of some suitable terrain...

      And if you've got problems fighting Scots, you'll just have to fight fire with fire - field some Scots of your own, I know you've painted them! Or did you have to part with them...?

  6. Great work indeed! Medicine is surely the right choice after so many tartans :)

    1. Thank you, Samuli, that tartan does take it out of you!

      And not for nothing is whisky known as the Water of Life! I almost feel inspired to paint some more! (Almost)

  7. That is a lovely force indeed! I really need to look into Saga!

    1. Thanks Legatus!

      SAGA is definitely worth a detour. Highly recommended!

  8. Lovely figures Evan and a well deserved dram!

    1. Thanks Paul!

      I'm not the fastest of painters, but I did feel as though I'd earned a wee dram at the very least!

  9. Fabulous looking warband, and well deserved drink (or two).

    1. Thanks Dean!

      I have to say, I'm really enjoying your Bosworth project; that's going ahead in leaps and bounds!

  10. Hi.
    Fine, very rarely see in this topic.
    A good job, a good matte colors.

    1. Thanks! A spray of Dullcote helps, though!
