Sunday, 31 August 2014

Space Marine Terminators

These have been a long time coming. I assembled them last year (or was that the year before?) and since then they've been sitting in a box, patiently biding their time. After Russ wiped the floor with me using his birthday Orks a couple of weeks back it became quite clear that their time had come. Cometh the ass towelling, cometh the man in silly power armour apparently...

First up is a unit of five Assault Terminators with a mix of weapons. As my divergent chapter is half Dark Angels and half Blood Angels I decided these chaps should be sort of Deathwing-esque. I'm fairly chuffed with the colour scheme on these ones. It was a bit hit and miss whilst in progress but they came out well in the end.

And secondly a unit of common garden variety Terminators in Blood Angel colours...

Lastly here's a close up of the two commanders...

In total this gives me three units of five so I can switch them about depending on opponent, game size and scenario.

Next up, some more Tac Marines, transports and some heavy support.



  1. Great work, love the mix of red and white colors!

  2. Russ had better look to investing in some more Meganobz with marine-openers...

    Nice work, Mr Mills!

  3. Excellently painted Space Marines, Michael. I don't know about "garden-variety", but those Blood Angles are superb. Best, Dean

    1. Cheers Dean! I was more referring to the type rather than my paint job :-)

  4. Love the color scheme, and your commanders especially! They look quite difficult to paint. Hopefully, this lot will save you from another arse whipping!

    1. Not so much difficult as time consuming. About 90 minutes a piece I think but that's not an exact figure by any means. Half the time was spent highlighting, highlighting some more and then highlighting yet again which unfortunately doesn't come out so well in my photos.

  5. I like the ones in the white suits the best as I've seen so many of the standard Blood Angels palette. Also that terrain piece is quite cool looking.

    1. Thanks Anne. The terrain is some of my scratch-built stuff for 15mm sci-fi but I deliberately made one or two sides generic enough to be used for other scales when I wanted to take photos.

  6. Well done, some nicely armoured chaps.

  7. Very nice job on these big lads Millsy!

  8. Ooh, I quite like how that 'bone' armour effect turned out. Very nice Millsy!

  9. Ooh, I quite like how that 'bone' armour effect turned out. Very nice Millsy!
