Sunday, 21 September 2014

It's all a bit of a mess really...

Apologies for the gap in posts. I do generally try to keep up a good flow so followers get their money's worth so to speak. Anyway, by way of explanation...

The last few weeks have been pretty crap at Chez Mills, the one just gone being an especially unpleasant one. I'm currently battling a few dental issues which stem in part from illness as a child and also basically just some rotten luck. That's leaving me grumpy, unfocused and out of sorts generally, coming as it did on the back of a really good dose of man flu. One more week should see me over this batch of unpleasant procedures.

You can add to that the loss of my best little mate Shankly the Cat, whose health took a very sudden turn for the worse and necessitated a very painful decision last Monday. I'm absolutely gutted to say the least and missing my late night painting and TV companion terribly. Here he is making good use of my arm as a pillow, a favourite tactic which prevented me from doing anything but sit still (aka exactly what Shanks wanted to do).

Shanks was in many ways very much like his namesake Bill, former manager and Liverpool FC legend. He was strong willed, dedicated to seeing he plans carried out and not afraid to express himself. For all that he was very sociable, happy to tag along wherever I went and willing to put up with almost anything that didn't infringe on his right to use people as furniture. To sum him up, just like his namesake "he made the people happy". I hope he's found somewhere quiet for an extended kip until I catch him up and normal service can be resumed.

All of this has led to an absolute lack of focus. I've done a million different things, almost all badly. This is the result, the paint table from hell...

Anyway, enough feeling sorry for myself. Normal service is very soon to be resumed I promise.



  1. Best wishes Michael, sorry to hear about Shankly

  2. Very sorry to hear about Shankly. I have a feline companion with a very similar disposition and he is definitely an important member of the family.

  3. Don't worry too much about the motivation issue, what with the stinking head cold (and this year's model is completely horrible, so I sympathise completely) and the dental issues, just rest up and emerge refreshed!

    Shankly will be missed. I recall him popping in to check on our games from time to time (probably dismissing my own feeble human efforts at strategy), before going off to patrol the rest of his domain.

  4. Hello.
    I understand your feelings very well.
    I am cat people, without the cat..

    On the other hand, you can not always sit next to the machine.
    (any reasons)
    When you write a bloki, and once again a new bloki,
    it is a full days job.
    You can not always make this ...
    But, very loyal readers, they will also need their prize..

  5. Hi Millsy! Really sorry to hear about your news. I'm allergic to cats (and dogs), but I would love to have a cat as wonderful as Shankly - you've been a lucky man indeed. I'm sure he knew how lucky he was too. Best of luck with the other down-ers right now. They'll pass. Thinking of you mate - keep the faith!

  6. Hope you get your Mojo back soon. Best wishes.

  7. Really sorry to read about Shankly. I too have a painting companion at nights.
    Just know that we are all thinking of you at this time.

  8. Condolences on the loss of Shankly. We had to put our elderly cat down earlier this year, it's never easy, even when it's the right thing to do :-( Sorry to hear about your own health too, when it rains it pours! You'll be back though, you can't keep a good man down!

  9. Sorry to hear about Shankly Millsy, it's terrible losing our wee friends. Also I hope your feeling better soon!

  10. Millsy, so sorry to hear that you have lost your mate. We nearly lost Bazpuss back in the summer but thankfully our Vet was guided by angels. Painting will help you get over things but you need to be in the right place mentally and emotionally otherwise the end results suffer. Bad news about the teeth.

  11. It's horrible to lose a beloved pet. The loss leaves a vacancy in your life and all the things that you used to do together amplifies that. When Piggy, my cat of 15 years passed it took me a long time to get over it. Take your time and come back to posting when you're up to it.

  12. I'm sorry to hear about Shankly. To better days...hopefully the turnaround is right around the corner.

  13. Sorry to hear about your loss and I'll health! Praying for happier times!

  14. Hard times. Don't stop. Push on through to the other side.

  15. Oh, I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your furry companion, Michael. I can empathize with what you're going through. I had a similar loss a couple of years ago - I still think of him (my dog, Changun) everyday. Not so painfully as it was the first several months, but I do still think of him and add him to my prayers. God Bless, Dean

  16. Sorry to hear about Shankly its an awful blow, I know that well but he will never be forgotten I know that too.

  17. Hi Millsy:
    We give our hearts to our animal friends and they go far too soon. Shankly was a beautiful cat - my wife and I are very fond of the creatures and we can sympathize. All the best getting to the other side - you will, mate.

  18. Sorry to hear about Mr. Shankly Michael. It completely sends you for a loop when you loose a family pet. I get completely gutted every time I've had to put one down. They become such integral part of our lives. Anyway, please accept my condolences - enjoy the memories of Shankly. This bad stretch will pass.

  19. Aw mate , so sorry to hear of Shanks passing. I know what you're going through as we've lost several over the years... all I can suggest is its the perfect excuse for new kitten time... that has helped us get over the sadness in the past. Best wishes Scott.

  20. I'm very sorry to hear about your "dies horribiles" and most of all about poor Mr. Shankly.
    Time is a great healer, so I hope you'll come into better days soon and find back your focus.
