Sunday, 25 June 2017

More Boxers and more Finished Boxer Terrain

More progress on Boxers and terrain to go with them this weekend. I've managed to finish off the bamboo stands, cherry trees and template dogs I started last week. I've also completed another 12 Boxers with melee weapons and 12 with firearms. Just basing to go on those which is a doddle and will get done through the week.

In total I have 10 cherry trees and 6 stands of bamboo but I've saved about 25% of the bamboo for inclusion on various other terrain items like gardens. The cherry trees seem pretty fragile and the blossom falls off quite readily but I can save it up and re-glue later I guess.

Next up painting-wise I think it will be some Kansu Braves and maybe the cannon. I need a break from painting so much variation. It takes a lot longer as you're constantly switching colours, cleaning up and checking you're not duplicating colour schemes too often. Something uniform will be a pleasant change!



  1. Nice, I think hairspray works to stop the Cherry Blossom falling off. Obviously in liberal amounts...

  2. Great work!
    I work the same period with boxers and european/japan troops.
    I saw yours posts with Pekin's buildings. It's great job!

    Good game

  3. Brilliant stuff Millsy! I specially like the lion statues!

  4. Very nice and varied which I know is time consuming!
    Best Iain

  5. Fabulous looking Boxers and terrain, Millsy!

  6. Wow, you've had a productive weekend! With regards to falling cherry blossom, I used a diluted PVA through a cheap pump spray and gave them a good dousing; this seems to have doe the trick nicely. Use some of the discarded blossom on the bases of the trees - it looks every so pretty! ;)

  7. Of course the cherry blossom is falling, it's June! I'm just amazed it held on this long...
    ; )
    Very cool stuff, Millsy, especially like that bamboo!

  8. Thanks for the suggestions for fixing my blossoms folks!

  9. Fantastic work - this will be an epic game

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Nice stuff- loose cherry blossoms could be stuck to the ground as well.

  12. Cracking stuff Milsy . Suggest buy the cheapest hard/strong hold hairspray you can find and hit the trees with that, it does the job ..
