Sunday, 16 July 2017

Kansu Braves!

Still plugging away at the seemingly endless stream of Boxers for my 55 Days at Peking Project.
This batch of eighteen Kansu Braves, armed with a variety of hand weapons and half a dozen rifles will form higher quality enemies for the legation troops.

I tried something I don't normally do and used a pen to outline the yellow borders on their clothing, rather than try and paint thin black lines everywhere. Overall I'm not unhappy with the outcome although drawing even lines across bumpy folded fabric isn't necessarily much more "clean" than painting. However, you can't argue with the time required which is about 25% of that required to achieve the same result.

Next up... finish the Boxer artillery sitting on the painting desk and then a diversion into a commission job for a couple of weeks. Hopefully by the time that's done my US Marines should have arrived and I can paint something different for the project instead of Boxers.



  1. Beautiful colors, beautiful building...and beautiful painting!

  2. Well they certainly look splendid and I think the pen liner has worked a treat, as you say you can't argue with the time saved especially when you have so many more to do! ;)

  3. Top shelf stuff, Mr Mills - looking forward to the next instalment!

  4. Very nice! Very colorful too!

  5. Great additions to your project, Millsy!

  6. Well done that man! Great colours, the deep red is gorgeous Millsy!

  7. Awesome stuff Millsy - you dont get to play with warm colours like those very often!

  8. They look great and at least they've got something like a uniform !
    Best Iain

  9. They look great and at least they've got something like a uniform !
    Best Iain

  10. Wonderful work Millsy! I think the pen worked quite nicely. I use one from time-to-time (when I remember to put down the brush to hunt for it!).

  11. Good stuff! What pen did you use?

  12. Thanks for the positive feedback folks.

    @Barks, it's an Artline 0.5mm felt tip. Probably not the best option but it was handy at the time :-)

  13. Looking very good Millay!
