First things first, here is my initial 800 point list for Carthaginians (numbers are bases, each line is a Battle Group).
Having only played one game prior to building the list I posted a couple of questions on the FoG official forum and got plenty of great help and advice for which I am very grateful.
Just how well the list plays in the hands of a relative noob remains to be seen once they hit the table...
1 x C-in-C [Inspired Commander] - 80pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
1 x Troop Commander - 35pts
Core Troops
4 x Spanish Cavalry [Cavalry, Armoured, Superior, Undrilled] - 64pts
6 x Spanish Cavalry [Cavalry, Protected, Superior, Undrilled] - 72pts
4 x Numidian Light Cavalry [Light Horse, Unprotected, Average, Undrilled] - 28pts
4 x Numidian Light Cavalry [Light Horse, Unprotected, Average, Undrilled] - 28pts
8 x African Spearmen [Heavy Foot, Protected, Average, Drillled] - 64pts
8 x African Spearmen [Heavy Foot, Protected, Average, Drillled] - 64pts
8 x Numidian Javelinmen [Light Foot, Unprotected, Average, Undrilled] - 32pts
6 x Spanish Javelinmen [Light Foot, Unprotected, Average, Undrilled] - 24pts
6 x Spanish Mercenary Scutarii [Medium Foot, Protected, Average, Undrilled] - 42pts
6 x Balearic Slingers [Light Foot, Unprotected, Superior, Undrilled] - 30pts
Optional Troops
4 x Libyphonecian Cavalry [Cavalry, Armoured, Superior, Drilled] - 68pts
12 x Gallic (Celtiberian) Foot [Heavy Foot, Protected, Average, Undrilled] - 84pts
2 x Elephants - 50pts
Total: 800pts
Next up, a whole great pile of figs...