Monday, 30 December 2013

Dystopian Wars Kingdom of Britannia Fleet

So Christmas has gone by for another year and amongst the new toys beneath the tree I found two wonderful gifts - firstly the Dystopian Wars rule book and secondly a pile of inspiration to start my Kingdom of Britannia fleet (which has been languishing in a box for quite some time now).

Despite the fact I knew I'd not score as many points in the painting challenge as the effort to paint these is worth, I simply couldn't resist and out came the brushes. I was sorely tempted to go with the "standard" dazzle pattern on the hulls but it has been done so many times before I decided to try something different. I've gone with a royal blue and bronze scheme with white highlights. It looks quite striking en masse and is easy to replicate which is a real bonus.

Here are some shots of progress so far...

I've got a couple of aircraft and a dreadnought complete as well but they can't appear hear til Curt has displayed them so stay tuned.

This is likely the last post for 2013 so it only remains to welcome aboard Warlord Pail and wish all our friends and followers a wonderful New Year and fabulous 2014.



  1. Great looking fleet you must be very happy with them. Its been great following your blog in 2013 and look forward to more in 2014
    Peace James

    1. Thanks James. I thoroughly enjoy yours too mate.

  2. I loved these Millsy; a range I know nothing about, but always go 'wow!' when I see them. Happy New Year mate!

    1. Thanks Michael. Seems a lot of people aren't up to speed with Dystopian Wars. I've not played a game yet myself but am loving the miniatures. Happy New Year to you too mate!

  3. They look splendid, well done. Have a great New Year.

    1. Thanks András. Happy New Year to your too!

  4. Thanks Andrew. You're correct about the size but the detail is there by the truck load. They certainly repay your efforts.

  5. Thanks for doing all the heavy lifting blogwise this year, Michael, I resolve to post more in 2014!

    1. You've made a very solid contribution too sir. Now we just have to get the other lads to get their digits out!

  6. Wonderful work, Michael! You've stuck on a style that pops and is so well tied together.

    This is another system I'd love to try some day so, thanks for the temptation!


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